Chapter Thirty-Two

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With her sleeping schedule royally fucked from the nights of studying and taking weird naps throughout the day, Elspeth found herself awake during early mornings and it was terrible. She missed the days of wanting to sleep in, to the point where it was expected that Professors knew she was going to show up late to class. But now, she was showing up promptly to all of her morning classes and if she thought it was a shocker, her professors were trying to figure out just what was going on as well. McGonagall seemed to be the only one who caught on to how hard Elspeth was studying and she seemed to make the correlation that the girl was studying as hard as possible to ensure she scored what she needed to on her O.W.L.s. 

The Hayes family followed a very specific career path and it was no surprise that the girl had the same ambitions to join her parents as an Auror. However, the Head of the Gryffindor house advised Elspeth to take it easy on herself, it wasn't like Elspeth was stupid or anything. She had her talents and she didn't need to keep overloading herself or it would just cause her to second guess herself all throughout the exams. Despite her tardiness to classes, Elspeth never found herself doing poorly, so she had to run off of some faith that she would do well. 

The nights that she did take off from studying, the boys were there to help keep her distracted. They knew that she had been working incredibly hard and they wanted her to have fun, especially Sirius. How many times he had dragged her along to accompany them on a pranking spree. 

Remus was keeping her distracted in his own little way, attempting to teach the girl how to knit, although "attempt" was a safe word to use because Elspeth was terrible at it. However, it did make her laugh, usually when Remus looked up from his own work and made a bewildered face at her own work. He would try to be polite and tell her that she was doing great, but they both knew, deep down, that Elspeth was not destined to share in the knitting life. 

Peter would take her to the kitchens after curfew for midnight snacks, allowing her to express her troubles if she chose to, but really when she was surrounded by so much food all she wanted to do was eat. But he didn't have a problem with joining her in that either. 

And when it came to James? Well, he was the distraction. He was still attempting to get Lily to just have a small conversation with him. He had also resulted back to his old ways of insulting Severus and trying to get Lily to notice him by teasing her. Elspeth couldn't argue that he had tried different ways and ended up with no results but she tried to tell the stupid boy that he had to make it into a habit of being nicer. She knew he was capable of doing it, she witnessed just how kind he really could be.

He opened up his home to Sirius, he became an animagus for Remus and encouraged the other two to do it so they could keep him company on the nights of the full moon, and no one was ever allowed to insult Peter or any of them for that matter unless they wanted to answer to him. So why he couldn't keep that same mentality when it came to Lily, Elspeth didn't know but she was slowly beginning to care less too. 

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