Chapter Twenty-Two

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Overwhelmed by the amount of information, Elspeth needed a moment to sit and register everything that Persephone and Hades had informed her in such a short amount of time. She wasn't frightened by the aspect of working under the god and goddess, however, the pressure was certainly on the newly turned sixteen-year-old. She had to wonder how her father reacted when he was told that if he made a mistake that it would cost the entire family their abilities tied in with the helm. He probably shrugged it off, he was never the uptight type of person, unless it came to Elspeth sneaking out or being seen with boys. But that was typical fatherly traits that she had become accustomed to. This was an entirely different playing field, one that she was not prepared for. 

"It is a lot to take in, I understand," Persephone spoke softly as she allowed her hand to come and rest on Elspeth's shoulder. The girl didn't budge as she continued to sit, staring at the helm in her hands. Eventually, her index finger began to glide over the letters that had been carved to reveal the name Hades. It all seemed to fit but at the same time, it was completely mind-blowing. It was a secret that she would have to carry with her until she married, if she married, and if she had a child, it would pass on to them. They would have to go through the same process. 

"How does this all work?" She found her voice and looked up at the two. She didn't dare look either one of them in the eye, just in case they saw it as a sign of disrespect and decided to smite her on the spot. "With marriage and-"

"A bit young to be thinking thoughts of marriage," Hades interjected.

"Oh yeah?" Elspeth countered. "How old was Persephone when-"

"Moving on," Hades cut her off to steer the conversation in a different direction. "And for the record, times were different at the time of our marriage. There is no need for you to make such comparisons. Besides, we're godly beings."

There was a pompous air to his tone that brought about a smirk to Elspeth's lips before she turned to Persephone, who was merely shaking her head at her husband's antics. Judging by the woman's expression, Elspeth had to assume that it wasn't the first or the last time that the goddess had to put up with Hades. 

"You cannot blame the girl for being curious, Hades."

"Tell that to Pandora."

Persephone took one step towards her husband and suddenly, the god disappeared into the shadows to avoid her wrath. It was nice to see that despite the fact that they had all the power in the world in comparison to humans, that they were still a regular couple. Several instances had Hades reminding Elspeth of Sirius, which brought the girl to relax in the company of the two. She was still fearful, given the nature that they could turn on her at any point and no one would be able to stop them. But she kept good faith that they truly did care for members of the Hayes family. 

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