Chapter Thirty-Five

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Either the exam wasn't as hard as she thought it was going to be or all of the studying that Elspeth had done over the past several months had paid off because she certainly found herself at ease as she looked over the questions. Although there was a question on the exam that earned a chuckle out of her, even if it was in poor taste. But apparently, she wasn't the only one who found question ten amusing. As she peered up for a brief second, she caught sight of Peter, James, and Sirius looking over in the direction of Remus, one right after another as they reached the question. Even Remus wore a smile as he quickly had to cover his mouth and it was nice for Elspeth to witness the boy feel comfortable enough to poke a little fun at himself. 

With a smile on her face, she returned back to her exam finishing the question that asked her to name the five signs that identify a werewolf. She could only imagine that the boys would write something stupid to have a laugh, but she prayed that they didn't write something that would point at Remus such as "they knit and fold their socks." She snorted to herself in amusement, so tempted to write it down, however as Elspeth looked up, she saw Professor Flitwick looking in her direction. Quickly, she faced back down at the table so that she wasn't accused of cheating on the exam. 

With plenty of time to spare, Elspeth finished and set her quill down while she reviewed her answers, feeling quite confident that she had nailed it. She wasn't one to brag about her grades out loud but she was sure that she was going to get an Outstanding on the exam and that was something for her to be proud of considering she had been working so hard. Between juggling her classes, a new relationship, and training with Hades, it was a relief to look at the exam and actually know what she was talking about when it came to answering the questions. 

Settling back in her chair for a minute, she let out a sigh of relief and before she closed her eyes to relax, Elspeth looked over in Sirius' direction, only to catch him smiling at her. He gave her a wink and immediately, she felt warm all over. She didn't even care if her face was red in that moment, all Elspeth could think of in that moment was hearing Sirius claim that he loved her and even if she did poorly on her test, he would still love her.

It would probably sound playful or silly to others, but to hear him just say such a thing made her feel giddy. There was a time in her life when she would look over in the direction of Sirius Black and place the thought in her mind that she didn't stand a chance with him. The way he carried himself with such confidence, she knew she needed just an ounce of it to gain his attention. So she truly changed her demeanour of learning how to just be herself and not care what anyone thought about her.

It was difficult in the beginning, she remembered all the time where she worried if her confidence would be taken the wrong way. But people like Sirius and James made it clear that even if other people didn't agree with it, they honestly didn't care. If they liked themselves that's all that really mattered at the end of the day. So Elspeth adopted the same attitude and she found herself a lot happier, but it still didn't gather Sirius' attention, or so she thought. To find out that every time she looked away, that he was looking at her, she could scream internally for days. 

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