Chapter Twenty-One

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Elspeth was feeling lightheaded as she stood in the dark, trying to find the direction in which the voice was coming from. The helm had fallen from her hands and rolled away from her into the shadows, but she didn't dare go after it. Instead, she remained in place, her eyes darting from left to right. If it was truly Hades, the God of the Underworld that presented the Hayes family with their abilities, Elspeth wasn't so sure how to take that news. Sure, it was beyond fascinating to be in the presence of a God and be left with such a gift, however, it was the God of the Underworld. Did that mean that her family was the equivalent of servants to hell? How was she supposed to put that on her résumé? No wonder they couldn't tell anyone about it, how did they expect people to casually react to such news?

"Are you really going to allow the Helm of Darkness to remain on the ground?" She assumed the voice belonged to Hades, although it lacked the God-Like authority to his tone, instead, he merely sounded bored and slightly irritated that she had yet to collect the helm again. Still, Elspeth made no effort to move from her spot. Before she could open her mouth and ask him to reveal himself so that she could confirm that her parents weren't pulling some elaborate prank on her, a scolding tone echoed in the shadows, that demanded all to listen.

"Hades!" Elspeth flinched at the tone but turned around to see through the shadows, came light. A soft, white light almost like a veil overtook the scene, casting the shadows back and allowing Elspeth to see a lot more clearly. Behind the white veil was a woman, a beautiful one at that, effortlessly gliding over to where the teenager stood. Suddenly, witnessing the beautiful golden gown that draped over the woman's body, Elspeth realised that she was terribly under-dress for the occasion. 

Yet unlike the annoyed and bored voice of Hades, the woman before Elspeth seemed more than happy to have the girl in her presence. 

"She dropped the helm-"

"Then pick it up!" Elspeth jumped at the fiery tone of the woman as she snapped at Hades before the smile reappeared as she turned back to Elspeth. "My apologies, my husband tends to find his amusement in the strangest of ways. He takes to tormenting members of your family as entertainment. His sense of humour is unique, yet he means well."

Elspeth turned as she heard shuffling in the dark behind her. The helm had disappeared causing her to swallow nervously before she felt the gentle touch graze under her chin, directing her to look back at the woman. 

"Wh-who are you?" Elspeth asked, trying to get a grip on her shaky voice. She didn't want anyone to think she was too frightened in that moment, afraid that it would take away her chance of following in the family footsteps. Before she was given the answer, Elspeth's brain decided to work and since she had put together that it was Hades that the family worked under, she could only assume who the beautiful woman was.

"Persephone," she muttered, "you're Persephone."

The woman smiled, " Hades was correct when he claimed that you were clever."

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