Chapter Two

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As Elspeth anticipated, within fifteen minutes of the train ride to Hogwarts, the two girls had fallen asleep. They were leaning against each other sound asleep as the Hogwarts Express carried on through the landscape. While they had gotten in trouble and they were suffering from the lack of sleep earlier, the party had been worth it. Elspeth loved the 70's atmosphere, she would be the first to admit if it anyone asked. Comparable to the previous decades, things were changing as her mother called it, the second wave of feminism was coming in. Not so much for the Wizarding World, but the muggle world around them was changing too. 

The music was changing and the wizarding world seemed to be coinciding with the muggle world, sharing in some of the cultural trends. Although to some families, mainly the old fashion purebloods, it was a terrible thing. They wanted magic folk to steer clear of muggle culture but it was impossible. Muggle-born students were sharing things with their friends during school, it was how Elspeth had first learned of The Beatles and Fleetwood Mac. Many of the wizarding bands took inspiration from the muggle music and it was like an invasion of change. Some were ready for it and others not so much.

Elspeth and Penelope were among those that embraced it, trying on bell bottoms for the first time and laughing about how they flared out at the bottom.  They would listen to the music at Penelope's house as Elspeth's parents weren't exactly fond of the music but she was free to listen to it when they weren't around. She could tell that her parents were worried about her and her take to her little rebellious acts as of late. They were a bit more on the stern side when it came to things and they were hoping that Elspeth would start to take matters seriously as she grew older.

She was fifteen and as she had told her father earlier, it was a crucial year with her O.W.Ls. It would determine whether or not she would be able to take the N.E.W.T level classes. They were crucial to her continuing on as an Auror. Of course, no one had ever asked her if she wanted to become an Auror, it was just expected of her to follow in her parents' footsteps because it was the way of the Hayes family. Fortunately, it was something that Elspeth took interest in and she liked the idea of becoming an Auror but not just any Auror, she wanted to be a Hit Witch. 

It was still being an Auror but they were highly trained and highly skilled to go after the most dangerous criminals. Elspeth wanted to be signed up for that thrill ride, but she had yet to inform her parents about that tiny tidbit of information. It was probably for the best, it would be quite the surprise for them.

From an early age, Caelan and Sorcha had taken to make sure their daughter was well-rounded in her education, taking to starting magical lessons when she was only around five years old. Of course, she didn't have a wand to perform anything but she was able to sit down with her parents' old textbooks and learning about respecting the laws and ways of magic. But then she learned that some of the laws didn't apply to her family. For generations, the Hayes family had figured out a way to outsmart the Ministry with being able to be untraceable. She didn't understand it right away, she just assumed that it meant that they were really good at not attracting attention to themselves. 

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