Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Elspeth sat at the dinner table in her home the very evening that her parents ventured to Hogsmeade as the Hogwarts term came to an end and the students were free for the summer. Sorcha and Caelan had expressed their concern when Elspeth had opted out of taking the train home like she normally did, they knew something was wrong and while they had gone to Hades, the God merely claimed that it was Elspeth's business to tell and no one else's. He would not interfere unless she wished him too and so far, she had made it quite clear that she wished to leave the matter alone. However, her parents were worried as Elspeth hardly spoke even when it came to talking about other matters outside of her friends.

When they asked about the exams, she shrugged it off or gave one worded responses, not in the mood to really talk about anything. The atmosphere around the dinner table was cold and quiet, the family might as well have started dinner off in space, it probably would have been warmer and louder than what they were experiencing in the Hayes household. Sitting at the ends of the table with Elspeth sitting in the middle of them, Sorcha and Caelan exchanged glances. Mainly Sorcha continued to look at her husband, urging him to say something to the girl to get her to open up about what happened, or at least to get Elspeth to talk about something. 

So far that school year, Elspeth had gone from having the most friends she ever had in her life at once to having no friends at all. Elspeth wasn't an introverted person either, she was hardly quiet unless a situation called for it. But she enjoyed being social, having other people around, but when it came to maintaining friends, Penelope had been her longest friendship to date and that had come to an end as well. 

"I'm finished," Elspeth told them, holding her empty plate up for their view," can I go to my room now?"

It was quiet for a moment as Elspeth waited for one of her parents to answer and finally, Caelan nodded his head, allowing her to leave. She dropped the plate gently into the wash basin behind her and then left to her room in the home. Suddenly, Sorcha reached her leg out under the table and kicked her husband.

"Ow, what was that for?!" He asked rubbing his shin.

"You let her go! You were supposed to talk to her."

"Sweetheart, she is not in the mood to talk about it. Trust me, I hate not hearing her talk too, but I'm going to sit there and harass the poor girl. She's still clearly upset about the whole matter and I have a feeling when she's really to talk about it, she will open up. For now, I think we ought to just give her some space. She hasn't even been home for a full day."

Sorcha didn't look all too pleased with the arrangement but she agreed to it silently as she returned back to her own plate of food. Upstairs, the couple could hear the door to their daughter's bedroom closed before the house fell silent once more. 

In her room, Elspeth sat on her bed, wand in hand, trying to figure out what her summer plans were going to be. She didn't want to sit around and mope all summer, she wanted to have some fun before the term started up all over again. But she didn't have Penelope with her to attend the parties that they normally snuck off to, she didn't have the boys to keep her entertained, it was just her. It was settling in more than ever with how lonely she felt without the company of someone. She was more than aware that her parents were downstairs but she didn't want to talk to them in the moment because she knew they wanted to hear the story of what happened.

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