Chapter Forty

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[Chapter Forty]

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[Chapter Forty]

The usual, ever so confident Elspeth, had suddenly found herself in a state of panic as she looked down the pavement and saw Sirius and James. For a moment, her eyes lingered on Sirius, feeling a pull, almost a need to go over there and speak with him as if nothing had ever happened. But that was her heart speaking and sometimes, her heart was not the smartest, thankfully, her brain was going to deliver the arse-kicking that her heart needed so that she didn't make any sort of mistake of giving in so easily. 

What she had told Alice was true, she was still angry with the entire situation, never really one to let go of a grudge so quickly. But it wasn't really a grudge, the boys had genuinely upset her and caused so much trouble. They had only been apologetic during the aftermath of it all, not caring or being respectful of anyone's feelings but their own at the time. Alice had given Elspeth the sound advice of approaching Lily, not with an apology but with an explanation, a way for Elspeth to start moving forward. However, those plans had been established without the thought of her meeting up with Sirius and James in Diagon Alley. 

Suddenly, the girl found herself unsure of what to do, especially after meeting the pleading gaze that belonged to Sirius. As soon as he took a step forward, Elspeth lost all confidence of staying strong and quickly took to ducking behind Alice to use the woman as a barrier. Alice didn't know what to make do with the situation or even what to say as she was left to face the boys. It wasn't her battle to fight nor was it her conversation to discuss. 

It was between Elspeth and the boys.

Turning around, Alice went to deliver a little bit of encouragement to Elspeth, however, the woman was left in a state of shock, along with Sirius and James as the three of them came face to face with a dementor. Elspeth was nowhere to be seen but that wasn't the important aspect as the dementor had appeared from nowhere. Taking several steps back, Alice nearly crashed into the teen boys as they were frozen in place, neither one of them had ever come to witness a dementor up close.

The young Auror-in-training pulled her wand and aimed it at the creature. "Expecto Patronum!"

The street was suddenly flooded with a bright light that lit the overcast area as what appeared to be a frog shape creature attacked the dementor. The dementor was quick to retreat, leaving Alice to stand there for a few moments in total shock, looking around where Elspeth had disappeared to. But there was no sign of the girl anywhere, leaving a total mystery to unfold. 

The dementor took to the skies, trailing away from the scene until it made its way above the cloud coverage. It fought off the frog patronus that seemed to latch itself until it finally faded. Finally, the dementor started to fall, falling back through the clouds and landing into an open field, quite the distance away from Diagon Alley. However, as the creature hit the ground with a thud, it was revealed that it wasn't a creature at all.

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