Chapter Seventy-Three

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After learning about Lily's plans with Elspeth for that weekend, James found himself in a bitter mood

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After learning about Lily's plans with Elspeth for that weekend, James found himself in a bitter mood. He would have thought that the girl that he considered to be a sister to him wouldn't have betrayed him in such a way. He had already tried most of her advice with being nicer to Lily, trying to find his interest in other girls, but nothing had worked and he found himself no closer to Lily than he had been before. Making his way to the Gryffindor Tower, there seemed to be nothing that could brighten his mood, not the discussion of Quidditch or even the talk of roaming the grounds.

Not to mention, since Elspeth had left the table the day before, it seemed Remus, Peter, and Sirius were keeping their distance from him as if he was in the wrong about the whole thing. Why no one ever saw it from his point of view, he didn't understand. He had been merely joking about his date with Lily turning into anything sexual, but it seemed he had struck a nerve with Elspeth. He would have thought out of all people that she would have appreciated a sexually-driven joke as that was usually her train of thought.

Apparently, James had thought wrong.

Instead, Elspeth had become rather aggressive with him, without even resulting in her usual nipple-pinching method. She seemed so irritated as of late with just about everything and he didn't understand what her problem was. It couldn't just be him, at least, he didn't think he was being that bad.

Giving the Fat Lady the password, James climbed through the portrait hole, about to make his way to the boys' dorm. But to his luck, he found Remus and Peter in the Common Room with Sirius nowhere in sight. More than likely, he was probably with his girlfriend which made James roll his eyes in annoyance. That was another thing that was starting to bother him quite a bit as well. It seemed Sirius was taking the side of his girlfriend more often rather than remaining loyal to the brotherhood that the boys had formed.

She was Sirius' first girlfriend and James thought he was just getting caught up in the honeymoon phase of a relationship, just letting his friendship that had developed over the years go.

"Where's Sirius?" he asked the two, who glanced over at him with weary expressions. They were so tired of dealing with the drama of it all, hoping that it would just come to an end already. But the look on James' face made it clear that it wasn't going to be easy.

"He's-" Remus opened his mouth to answer, only to have James cut him off almost instantly.

"Nevermind, I don't care, he's probably off with Elspeth somewhere, plotting against me," James replied, " I mean, can you believe the two of them? Sirius is one of us, but he's acting like he's so dedicated to her. And what's so special about Elspeth anyways? I thought she was fine after a bit, but I was definitely wrong. You heard what she said in the Great Hall and now she and Lily are going to Hogsmeade this weekend? She did that on purpose!"

"Of course she did," Remus interjected with a heavy sigh. "James, listen, you didn't hear yourself earlier. The things you were was foul. I get that you were joking, but you have to understand that Lily and Elspeth are friends again. Which means she's going to protect her friend when you say something awful. She would do the same for you, that's what you don't understand. If someone was saying things like that about you, she would be right there, willing to shove her fist down their throats."

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