Chapter Four

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Elspeth wouldn't say that she slept like a baby because she never enjoyed the saying. Most infants never slept through the night, making her wonder why people so often used it as an expression to claim that they had a good night of sleep. It was one of the many random thoughts that plagued her mind when she first woke up in the mornings. But she could say that she had a perfect night's rest, thanks to getting her revenge on Potter. Perhaps it was going a bit overboard, placing his pants all over the common room, but it was funny and he deserved it. She was sure if other students retaliated the way she did that the boys would probably leave them alone or it would start a massive war of pranks. She wasn't sure, but she didn't care. She went to bed feeling accomplished and enjoyed her dream world. 

However, Elspeth didn't think she was in the clear just yet. She had to assume that James wouldn't give up so easily. It didn't matter much, she was fully prepared to drag his arse down if needed. Fortunately, for the girls of Gryffindor, the founders of Hogwarts did not find boys to be trustful meaning they weren't allowed in the girl dorms. But the girls were trusted enough and were permitted up the stairs to the boy dorms. If he tried anything, Elspeth wasn't going to go for a public display, she was going to get the boy during the most vulnerable time. She would go after him as he slept. 

With a cheery smile on her face, Elspeth pushed herself out of bed and grabbed her uniform from her trunk before heading to the showers. She was early to rise, hoping to find Penelope in the Great Hall to tell her about James' trunk party the previous night in the common room. She showered quickly and threw on her clothes before taking a moment to realize that she would actually be on time for her morning classes. She took a moment to stare at herself in the mirror and pat herself on the back.

"Good on you, El."

Heading out of the dorms while the rest of the girls in her room slept, Elspeth made her way down the stairs to the common room, only to see James Potter waiting for her.

"Oh Merlin," she muttered to herself, having absolutely no interest in talking to the boy without some food in her stomach. She thought about letting her growling stomach carry the conversation but it probably leave James doing most of the talking and she certainly couldn't have that. Making her way down the stairs, she stepped down each step slowly until she reached the final step. Her arms crossed over her chest with an expectant look, waiting for him to start. She could see Remus, Sirius, and Peter peeking over the back of one of the sofas, waiting for the situation to unfold. 

"Well Potter, did you collect your pants last night or have you decided to "go commando" this morning?" She asked him from the stairs as he didn't say anything.

 Immediately, the boys snorted from the sofa causing James to glare at them from over his shoulder. They fell silent quickly before hiding again. 

When he turned back to tell Elspeth off, he was suddenly pulled towards her by the waistband of his trousers causing him to stumble forward. But then he found her hand in his face pushing him back to get out of her way. 

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