Chapter Sixty-Eight

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It wasn't out of character to challenge a god or a goddess as she had done so many times before, especially during her trips to the Underworld

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It wasn't out of character to challenge a god or a goddess as she had done so many times before, especially during her trips to the Underworld. She even had the nerve to roll her eyes at the Fates and the Furies when they were apparently out of hand but without a proper introduction or any backup from Hades or Persephone, it probably wasn't the wisest decision to be short with the new and unknown goddess. But at that point, Elspeth was completely worked up over what she had witnessed and she couldn't help herself. She wanted answers and the goddess before her was just getting in the way of things.

"I see Hades has wasted no time teaching you the ways of his tongue," she spat in return, leaving Elspeth to raise an eyebrow before grimacing. She let out a visible shudder as she definitely took the goddess' words in the wrong context. 

"Let's not ever say that again," Elspeth said with a small shake of her head, " and you still haven't told me who you are? If you don't have any plans to do so, the door is right there, you seem old enough to see yourself ou-"

Before Elspeth could deliver any more form of sass, it seemed the goddess had enough as Elspeth's face was suddenly grabbed and held between her hand. Normally, she would have started pitching up a fit or fighting in any way that she could, but so far the goddess wasn't doing anything besides holding her in place. Her eyes scanned over the young face, taking in every feature before meeting Elspeth's gaze and holding it for a few moments before releasing her.

Expecting to be cast back with some force, Elspeth prepared herself, but instead, she found herself brought into a hug. With her chin resting on the goddess' shoulder, she would definitely admit that she was beyond puzzled with the stranger's behaviour as it seemed to be going back and forth quite drastically. Reaching out a hand, she lightly began petting the goddess on her back in hopes of being released.

"Alrighty, that's enough of that," she said, " you can be as affectionate as you want, but once again, I don't know who you are."

Quickly, the goddess pulled away and the fiery temper seemed to return, bringing Elspeth to take a step back. "Of course, you do not know me, they have been hiding you from me, I see. It's bad enough that my own daughter does not wish to spend time with me any more than she has to, but now my own granddaughter is kept from me as well."

Trying to register the words that were being spoken, Elspeth blinked several times during her processing, only to shake her head. She knew of her grandparents, all four of them, the parents of her mother and father, unfortunately, had all passed away when she was very younger. She didn't have any memories of them and had seen them through some photographs that her parents had but none of them resembled the woman before her.

"I'm afraid you're mist-"

"I am Demeter," the goddess finally introduced herself, " and I am so finally pleased to meet you. I wish it were under better circumstances, I wish our introduction could have been sooner, you are a young woman now. I-"

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