Chapter Nine

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"She's incredible, you know? I feel like she really understands me and that she respects me," Sirius had spent the last hour or so talking about Elspeth to the point where James was covering up his ears with his pillow, rather than listen to his friend ramble on about the girl any longer.  "She's funny, she's wicked smart, and she-"

"Alright, we get it!" James called out as he knocked his pillow aside and glared across the dorm room. "How much longer are you going to talk about her?"

It grew quiet in the room as Remus looked up from his reading, Peter looked over from where he had been attempting to doze off, and Sirius shot him a look after releasing the pillow he was hugging.

"Really?" The three boys said together as they looked at James in complete disbelief. He, of all people, had no right to complain about anyone talking about one person in a gushing manner. From the time that the boy realised that he liked Lily, he had said so much pertaining to the girl that his friends could write several full-length novels about her. 

They had listened to him complain about the girl and in a matter of seconds, he would tell them how beautiful she was and how feisty he saw her in his eyes. Yet the one time of the other boys found themselves infatuated with someone, he complained. 

Since the boys informed him that he had to leave Elspeth alone, James was in a foul mood. Not only did he not get the last laugh, he had tried talking to Lily earlier but she had completely blown him off making things so much worse. Perhaps it was jealousy that led James to become annoyed at Sirius' talk about Elspeth. How the girl listened to everything he said, how their first date had been nothing short of perfect, and how the boy was practically head over heels for a girl that felt the same way about him. James had been pursuing Lily Evans for so long and she wouldn't even give him the time of day if his life depended on it. 

"What's got your knickers twisted up your arse?" Sirius asked him after throwing a pillow and nearly striking James in the face with it. "We have to put up with your Lily obsession but you can't stand to hear someone else speak?"

"You barely know Elspeth, she can't be that perfect," James grumbled. 

"Right, at least I've had a full conversation with her, which is more than I can say for you with Evans in the last ...going on five years now?" Sirius countered. "You could be happy for me, you know? I'm one of your best mates and I've always been supported of you running after the girl of your dreams, can't you do the same for me?"

It was quiet for a moment as Remus and Peter waited for James' answer, hoping he didn't screw it up. It wouldn't any of them any good if the two of them were fighting over something completely stupid. But James seemed to realise that he was being a jerk before letting out a small sigh and looking up at Sirius.

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