Chapter Seventy

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At the time of it all, Hades appeared to be absolutely heartbroken with the request, but even then, he didn't look nearly as hurt as Elspeth did

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At the time of it all, Hades appeared to be absolutely heartbroken with the request, but even then, he didn't look nearly as hurt as Elspeth did. He and Persephone had to make sure that she was understanding it all correctly. Did she truly wish to forget everything, after all she had been through? As he looked at Elspeth, he caught the fact that she was crying again, quiet about it as she didn't make any noise, but the top of her shirt was becoming stained with tears as she stood before them.

"Elspeth," Hades began, speaking in a gentle tone, " I know that you are upset but I think the decision you are making is solely based on that. My advice would be to think about it, give it time to settle in your mind before anything else-"

"No," Elspeth shook her head, " I don't want this to settle in my mind, at least, not right now. I'm not ready for all of this. I think I have enough going on in my life to handle right now, just between school alone, but I have enough pressure on me due to the Fates, I don't think I'm ready."

"Ready for what?" Persephone questioned. "You do not have to fulfil any godly duties, that was removed when you were placed with Sorcha and Caelan. There are no added responsibilities when it comes to this knowledge. You simply know your origins-"

"Yes, and it's weird!" she stomped her foot. "It was one thing when I saw you two as a second set of parents on my own, that was fine. But to figure out that you two are actually my birth parents and then to look at my parents...I don't know, it doesn't feel the same anymore. I felt happier when I believed that Sorcha and Caelan were my birth parents and you two were amazing guardians that looked over me. It felt right...this...all of this doesn't."

She knew she probably sounded stupid to them, but she couldn't help but feel anger, even if she didn't understand why. She knew she was supposed to feel grateful, wasn't that what everyone would tell her? Elspeth was supposed to be happy and grateful that Hades and Persephone had placed her into the arms of a loving couple, knowing she would grow up happy. And it wasn't like she didn't grow up happy, she did, but still, the idea of them just being so willing to give her up, she couldn't let it go.

"You all lied to me," Elspeth continued on, " you weren't going to tell me, you only did when Demeter interfered and she actually wasn't the one in the wrong. At least she had the bollocks to tell me. There have been so many prime opportunities to tell me over the years, so many ways that I could have learned about this. But instead, I had to find out from my estranged grandmother. Maybe that's why I'm so bitter about all of this."

Persephone reached for her, trying to console her but Elspeth moved away before Persephone spoke. "Elspeth, we were only trying to find the most appropriate time to tell you all of this-"

"So you all practically waited until I was an adult?"

Rubbing her hands over her face, the longer Elspeth thought about it, she was growing even more frustrated with Hades and Persephone and she didn't want to feel that way. She wanted to go back to where she saw them in the best light possible, flawless beings that cared about her and her well-being.

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