Chapter Sixty-Three

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While Elspeth was left with her task, Hades returned to the Underworld and took his place back on his throne, but it was with a heaviness that weighed on his shoulders as he let out a heavy sigh

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While Elspeth was left with her task, Hades returned to the Underworld and took his place back on his throne, but it was with a heaviness that weighed on his shoulders as he let out a heavy sigh. It did not go unnoticed, of course, as the sigh echoed loudly almost like a low rumble of thunder. Everyone present in the Underworld could sense that Hades was not in the best mood and no one dared to approach him in such a state, except for Persephone, because the only thing scarier than an upset Hades was an upset Goddess of Spring.

She approached, lifting up the floor of her gown as she made her way to sit on his lap, draping her arms around his neck like soft satin.

"Something troubles you, Hades," she spoke in a gentle tone as she ran her hand over the top of his head in a delicate manner. "Did Elspeth cause you grief during your visit?"

"No, it was no fault of her own," Hades replied leaning his head back into her hand and closing his eyes. "I understand her stress with this whole ordeal that has been placed on her shoulders. I cannot find fault with her speaking out or holding her frustrations against anyone. It is an unfair situation."

"Then what-"

"I slipped," Hades admitted, cutting her off. He could see the puzzled look on his wife's face as her eyes narrowed slightly and her brows furrowed together. Perhaps she was thinking that he had physically slipped and fell and that left to his foul mood.

"Are you hurt-"

"No, Persephone," he said pulling his head away and looking away in shame, " I slipped. I ended up telling her that her mother would deal with her. Of course, that led her to become confused because she didn't understand why Sorcha was getting involved. But I didn't mean her, I was referring to you."

A silence watched over them like a high tide on a full moon, leaving Persephone to stare at her husband with a shocked look. He didn't even have to peer over at her to know the expression on her face.

"Hades, you cannot afford to make slip-ups such as that," she whispered to him as if he didn't already know that. Why else would he feel horrible? "We made an agreement-"

Carefully moving to stand up without knocking her off, Hades stood up and walked away from his throne with a shake of his head. He was muttering to himself while Persephone watched him pace back and forth.

"I know we made the agreement, I know that," he said before turning to her, " but do you ever feel regret for what we did?"

"Regret?" Persephone repeated, leaning forward. "I feel no such thing, we did a beautiful thing for Sorcha and Caelan, Hades. They were loyal to us, beautiful wonderful people who made sacrifices for so many and they deserved to be rewarded. Look how happy Elspeth has made them and look how happy Elspeth is with them-"

"She could have been happy with us."

Standing up, Persephone made her way over and wrapped her arms around one of his before peering up at him.

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