Chapter Sixty-Five

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Elspeth blinked once, she blinked twice and yet, the flowers that had bloomed seconds prior in front of her very eyes did not disappear

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Elspeth blinked once, she blinked twice and yet, the flowers that had bloomed seconds prior in front of her very eyes did not disappear. Instead, as more of her blood fell to the ground, the more flowers seemed to form around her and she wasn't sure what to say or how to process what was happening. However, it was difficult to focus on that as the centaur herd that had surrounded her earlier had yet to disperse and they still seemed highly upset that she had yet to apologise for her presence. The fact that Lily had run off didn't help the situation either as they found that to be quite disrespectful.

What they had neglected though was that the girl before them was not just the average rebellious student that decided to test fate and her chances within the forest. They had no intentions of hurting her as it was a set forth agreement that they would never hurt the young, but it didn't mean she couldn't expect any trouble. As Elspeth appeared stuck in a daze of some sort, the head of the herd took another step towards her but came to a sudden halt before he reached her.

The tremors beneath his hooves and the hooves of the others was a dead giveaway that something was approaching, but as they looked from the left to the right, they didn't see anyone. But that's because the arrival was not coming from the left or the right, they were coming from underground. Elspeth had yet to realise that anything was taking place, even as the ground before her, began to shift and before anything else occurred, a hand emerged.

The sudden appearance of the hand seemed to do the trick of getting her attention as it pulled her gaze away, but as she had been completely been unprepared, she let out a cry and pushed scrambled back. The ground broke away, providing an opening and within seconds, she looked over to see Persephone emerge.

Normally, whenever Elspeth caught sight of Persephone, the goddess was always so calm and cheerful looking. She always greeted Elspeth with a warm smile, invited her in for a hug, but the Persephone that was standing before Elspeth with her back facing her currently, definitely revealed as to why she was called "Queen of the Underworld."

The glare that was directed towards the centaurs brought every creature in its witness to hold their breath, not daring to even breathe in her direction. The air suddenly felt incredibly colder, even in the presence of the Goddess of Spring and even though she had emerged from the ground, they felt like the ones that were about to be buried into the soil. Suddenly, as Elspeth lifted her head, she saw that all the centaurs had taken to kneeling down on the ground, their heads all in the bow position, including the burly leader that had been looming over her and Lily earlier.

Elspeth went to open her mouth and call out to Persephone, after all, it wasn't the fault of the centaurs in the first place. It was Elspeth's fault as she had gone against Lily's wishes and had tricked the girl to go into the forest in hopes of fulfilling the stupid plan that she and Sirius had come up with. She had been the one to intrude in the centaurs' territory and as Lily had claimed before running off, the centaurs were very terrifying creatures when provoked and disrespected.

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