Chapter Ten

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Sirius could admit that he did plenty of stupid things since his arrival on Earth, but he knew that he wasn't stupid. He could clearly tell that Elspeth was avoiding him since she had approached the four boys in detention and while she was either trying to play it off as studying in the library or hanging out with her friend, Penelope, he could tell that she had been bothered by the discussion she had walked in on. During their detention, they had only been curious as to how she avoided being seen on the map and they wondered if she was the only one missing, however, judging by her reaction, the boys had grown even more suspicious. 

It had also left them extremely nervous if they were being honest. No one knew about the recently completed map, but Elspeth had witnessed it. They didn't believe that she would go to any of the professors over it but it didn't stop them from being paranoid. James was left to cradle it like a newborn to protect it from any suspicious glances. The four boys had worked too long and too hard on the map to lose it suddenly and it certainly wouldn't help their situation with Remus. The map was the most useful item on nights of the full moon as they could navigate the grounds and castle without getting caught. 

James encouraged Sirius to talk to Elspeth to get her to confess how much she saw and what was going to be needed to keep her quiet. But Sirius wasn't sure how to talk to the girl that didn't want to listen. He had thrown notes to her during class but she simply ignored them and left them behind without even reading them. 

"I don't know what you want me to do," Sirius huffed in frustration after Potions class. It had been one of the worst Slughorn classes to date as he had spilt cat spleen on his robes and despite using magic to clean it up, he swore he could still smell the awful stench. With that disaster on top of Elspeth ignoring him, Sirius was not in the best of moods as the four boys left the Potions classroom. Elspeth was long gone by then, collecting her things as the bell sounded for the change of classes and hurried off.

The boys had been pestering him to talk to Elspeth every chance that they saw her but they didn't understand how difficult it was unless he jinxed her to stay in place. He was sure if he put a full-body bind curse on Elspeth that he would not expect any affection from her anytime soon or ever again. 

"She won't even look in my direction!" Sirius told the boys as they walked along. "How am I supposed to get a word in if he keeps avoiding me?"

"Fluff your hair?" Peter suggested bringing the other three to look at him. "Well, she's always messing with your hair, might as well use it to your advantage, right?"

"Peter's right," James nodded.

"I am?" Peter squeaked in delight until he heard his voice crack. He quickly cleared his throat and nodded as well. "I mean, yes,  I am right...but how am I right?"

"Sirius," James wrapped his arm around his friend's shoulder and led Sirius ahead. "You have to talk to her, if she's angry about the map, he could very well expose it and then we'll have nothing. But you're going to have to step it up here, don't let her get away from you. Fluff your hair, pull out all your moves but get her to talk to you again. We need this....for Moony."

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