Chapter Thirteen

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Whether it was because she was completely overwhelmed by all the studying in the library or seeing three of her classmates, including one being the boy she was dating turn into animals, Elspeth's mind decided to shut down for a few moments, bringing the girl to faint. Sirius, who had been standing over her, pinning her to the ground, immediately panicked believing he had hurt her as he left his animagus state and returned back to his natural form. He moved off of her and touched the sides of her face to try and get her to wake up again. The night had taken a sudden turn towards disaster and he wasn't sure who to be upset with. Elspet for following them or at himself for not catching onto her scent earlier. 

They had not been as careful as they should have been and now it was possible for Remus' secret to exposed to another student. Sirius was sure that he wasn't going to be happy about that. The problem was that Elspeth had witnessed too much, probably seeing all three of them standing there as illegal animagi. It was bad, really bad because she would obviously have plenty of questions if they didn't tell her the truth. She would more than likely wonder where Remus was and if she didn't figure it out for herself, she could easily follow them again until she had the answer.

There was no way of them knowing if she was following as her name still did not appear on the map, no matter what James did. Their hands were tied and Sirius wasn't sure what to do in that moment. Luckily, he wasn't alone as James walked over in his own natural form as well and knelt down by his side. 

"What are we going to do?" Sirius whispered to James. 

"You see, this is exactly why I wanted to know how she was avoiding the map! You all thought I was just being paranoid but it was for a good reason. Now-"

"James! That doesn't matter right now!" Sirius snapped at him to bring James out of his rant. " The problem right now is she's going to wake up eventually and we have to decide how much we're going to tell her. She already knows about the map, she knows that we can't see her on the map, and if she wants to figure out things, she's going to be able to do it."

"You couldn't just date someone stupid, could you!? You just had to start dating the one girl in the entire bloody school who could figure things out?!"

"Are you really trying to put the blame on me?! You're the one who pranked her in the first place and decided to keep going after her. If anything, you played matchmaker and brought us together, so you only have yourself to blame for all of this, once again!"

As the two boys continued to argue back and forth, poor Peter was trying to figure out what was taking them so long to arrive at the tunnel. It normally only took him a minute or so to access the knot to immobilise the tree. But after ten minutes had passed, he assumed something had gone wrong and left the base of the tree to investigate. He could hear the sounds of James and Sirius yelling in the distance before he scurried in the same direction. 

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