Chapter Twenty-Three

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After being returned to the company of her parents, Elspeth was able to celebrate the rest of her birthday in good company. If she was being honest with herself, not once did she think about Penelope, who obviously didn't show up as Elspeth informed her to. Her parents didn't venture to ask what had happened between the two, mainly because Elspeth made it quite clear that she didn't want to discuss it. It was enough to handle meeting Persephone and Hades in one day, she figured spending the rest of her birthday with as little drama as possible sounded like a good present to herself. 

Instead of breakfast, the sixteen-year-old ate as much cake as possible while still offering her parents to have as much as they wanted. Her gifts consisted of little jewellery pieces that her mother thought she would enjoy and new clothing, including bell bottoms. Since her birthday was so close to Christmas, her parents never really overloaded her with gifts, they simply would give her a couple of them and then she would receive the rest of the gifts on Christmas Day. But for the time being, a new pair of bell bottoms and bracelets seemed more than happy with what her parents had bought for her. 

She was in the midst of downing her fourth slice of cake, anticipating crashing later on from all the sugar when she heard a knock at the window. Her eyes narrowed for a moment until she noticed the small owl resting at the window. It was freezing out and even the weather protected owl didn't seem very equipment to withstand the cold by merely sitting there. Quickly shoving the spoonful into her mouth, Elspeth picked herself up and skipped over to the window.

Opening it up allowed a gust of cold air to swim right into the kitchen, gracing her cheeks and making her teeth chatter as she allowed the owl to come in and warm up. The little owl hopped right in and dropped the letter that was addressed to her. But judging by the red envelope, it didn't appear to be an ordinary letter. It was the envelope of a Howler, but who in their right mind would be sending her a Howler on her birthday?

She hadn't been in school for quite some time and when she left she had been in good standings of all her professors. For a split second, she thought maybe it was Penelope cursing her name for not taking back that she was invited to the party, but that seemed way out of the girl's character. Penelope was more of the sort that mumbled under her breath rather than calling it out loud or acting on her feelings. 

"Is...Is that a howler?" Her father asked as he came walking in the kitchen with an empty plate that had the remaining cake crumbs.

"It looks that way, doesn't it?" Elspeth said walking away from the window and the owl with the howler in hand.

"Well, who's it from? Who's arse am I going to be kicking?" Granted most professors wouldn't send a Howler home, they would simply send a letter to the parents to discuss their child's behaviour. Not to mention, if it was a student sending it to her, it meant that they needed help from a witch or a wizard that was of age. So if it was Penelope who sent it, it meant that her parents must have helped her with it, unless she was planning on getting in trouble with the Ministry for performing magic outside of school.

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