Chapter Sixty-Two

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With Hades and Persephone enjoying their reunion, Elspeth figured it would be her safest bet to avoid the Underworld for a couple of days

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With Hades and Persephone enjoying their reunion, Elspeth figured it would be her safest bet to avoid the Underworld for a couple of days. She had been scarred enough during her lifetime, walking in on her parents once during the act, she didn't need to stroll on in on her second set doing the deed. In the meantime, as her studies were hitting a slacking point, Elspeth knew that Hades was going to help her get where she needed to be, so she focused all of her attention on getting James and Lily together.

Since the incident in Potions, the two at most had been civil with one another, which was a massive step. Lily had expressed in the dorms one evening that she had never seen James act so caring in a situation. Elspeth really wished that she could tell Lily everything that James did, such as risk his arse by becoming an illegal animagus to help Remus on nights of the full moon. But if she exposed such information, she was going to be exposing far too much and that information had been trusted with her.

So she had to scratch that off the list as a potential way to bait Lily and pull her in.

It also didn't help that Lily was still interested in Tucker and James was finding his interest in pretty little Nola. For two incredibly smart people, Elspeth found it extremely annoying that they had waited to actually listen to her, after she was given the task of getting them together. All of a sudden, James was showing his interest in another girl and Lily had left behind her toxic friendship with Severus, in order to pursue healthier relationships.

Of course, Elspeth was happy for her friends because they were both on paths to being happier, but it was making her job difficult.

She had been sitting in Study Hall, a piece of parchment paper before her as she was busy trying to come up with plans to at least get Lily and James to talk to one another.

"Alright," Elspeth said after about an hour, " after all of this, all my plans lead to one option and that is...."

Her eyes trailed downward to where all the arrows she had drawn pointed to before she grimaced at her answer.


Swearing under her breath, Elspeth placed her plans down and placed her face in her hands as she found herself a little bit more than frustrated. Obviously her plan of murdering Tucker and Nola was extreme and she wasn't going to go through with it, even though the plan had been quite elaborate and that was something to be proud at.

"Contemplating murder would be a poor choice, Elspeth."

So used to the fact that the gods enjoyed showing up unnanounced, Elspeth wasn't the slightest bit fazed when Hades showed up sitting across from her. She placed her hands down on the table before narrowing her eyes at him.

"You're not allowed to give me advice unless you're actually going to tell me how to go about this! I have no idea what I'm doing, I've never set friends up before. I was just lucky that I ended up getting Sirius like I wanted to."

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