Chapter Eleven

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The map was safe under the promise of Elspeth not mentioning a word about it to anyone else after the "discussion" she had with Sirius. She honestly had no need to spoil the fun of the boys and if they had put that much effort into something, she didn't think it would be right to be the reason they lost it. Even if James Potter was an arrogant arse that had been pushing his luck in the recent days with it. She didn't understand the map fully, but she understood that it showed everyone in the castle, except her, of course. All the student and faculty appeared on the map, making it easy for the boys to find someone and to avoid someone. 

But one thing Elspeth noticed was often times, they knew exactly where to find Severus Snape. Elspeth wasn't fond of the boy as he wasn't exactly the nicest, but she wasn't one to support deliberately going after someone. She wasn't sure when the feud began between the boy since she figured it started back in first year, but as they grew older it only seemed to worsen. The problem was, the two boys were head over heels for the same girl. However, it was quite obvious that Lily didn't have an interest in Severus in that sense or they probably would have been long dating. 

Elspeth did notice as of recent that Lily was attempting to spend more time in her company, leaving Elspeth confused since they normally didn't hang around each other. 

"Are you alright, Lily?" Elspeth asked her one afternoon as the two were leaving Transfiguration class, walking down the corridor together. She had thought about spending some of the afternoon with Sirius, but he and his idiot friends had found themselves in trouble with McGonagall. 

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"Well, it's usually the question I ask when people are willingly spending time around me," Elspeth told her, bringing the girl to laugh. "You think I'm joking but I'm serious."

"No, you're with Sirius," Lily replied in a teasing tone, making it Elspeth's turn to chuckle and roll her eyes at the same time. She and Sirius may have only been dating for a short amount of time but it certainly didn't mean that she hadn't been bombarded with hundreds of puns revolving around the boy's name. Although she didn't find herself complaining very much about them, as lame as most of them were, they did make her laugh quite a bit.

"I guess I'm just confused as to why we've been hanging out this year, I mean we've been in the same house since first year and this is the first time I've spoken to you on a regular basis."

"I know," Lily responded quietly looking down at her feet, "I suppose that's more of my fault. I haven't really explored the options of friendship because I spend all my free time around Severus..."

Her voice trailed off making Elspeth believe there was more that Lily wanted to say but she didn't seem sure if she wanted to discuss it. 

"And that's changing?" Elspeth prompted her to continue, as they continued to walk. "You can tell me, I'm not going to tell anyone. I talk to the same people every day and I can pretty much count them on both hands."

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