Chapter Seventy-Seven

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With the holidays approaching, Professor Flitwick decided out of the kindness of his heart, that he would allow his students to have a bit of fun in his class

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With the holidays approaching, Professor Flitwick decided out of the kindness of his heart, that he would allow his students to have a bit of fun in his class. In all classes, they had been focusing on non-verbal magic and while some had managed to catch on quickly, others still managed to struggle with it. Professor Flitwick continued to stress the importance of silent magic, especially when it came to duelling. And what a better way to have the students learn than to practise with one another? Pairing up the students at random, Professor Flitwick cleared the room of all the tables and seats, giving everyone enough room.

Facing their partners, the students were able to practice duelling but they had to be quiet about it.  And it just so happened that afternoon, that Elspeth was paired with James, causing both of them to sigh in relief.

They could easily duel each other, with the hopes of knocking each other on their arses, they were just thankful that they hadn't been paired with Sirius or Lily.

"Alright, Potter," Elspeth called out to him, "prepare to carry your sorry arse out of this classroom by the end of the lesson because I'm ready to kick it!"

James couldn't help but laugh after rolling his eyes. "Yeah, we'll see about that, I promise I won't go too hard on you, just promise me you won't cry when you lose."

While the two sized each other up playfully, Sirius and Lily, who had been paired up as well, looked on, both of them appearing rather worried. However, it was both for the same reason, they were both nervous about James getting his arse handed to himself.  There was no sense in denying it, at least to themselves, James was a fantastic student, one of the top students of their year, but Elspeth had not come to play when it came to her classes that year.

After receiving top marks in her O.W.L.s, she was very much on her way to making top marks on her N.E.W.T.s as well, and Sirius knew how important it was for her to make the marks, in order to pursue her dream as an Auror. She had been studying non-stop, practising spells when she could, and he didn't think she was going to let anything or anyone get in her way. And as for James, while he was one of her best friends, in the classroom, he was just another obstacle she had to get through.

"Maybe you two should take it easy on each other," Lily called out to them, " no sense going all out. There are other people in the classroom too!"

James and Elspeth waved her off as they took the proper duelling stance and Sirius reached out to place his hand on Lily's shoulder, gently pulling her back.

"There's no sense in talking to them," he told her, " we can't talk them out of it. We'll just have to stand back and watch. Don't worry about El-"

"I'm not worried about her!" Lily blurted out. "I'm worried about James!"

The two of them stood before one another, their eyes widening at Lily's slip. She quickly turned red in the face and cleared her throat, thankful that James nor Elspeth had heard such a thing because they would never let her live it down.

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