Chapter Forty-One

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[Chapter Forty-One]

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[Chapter Forty-One]

Sorcha and Caelan didn't know when Elspeth would arrive home after she had left for the day with Alice and if they knew their daughter as well as they thought they did, by the end of the day, Elspeth would probably be coming to them with the request of spending the night at Alice's flat. They weren't going to find themselves saying no to that, it was nice to see Elspeth, up and about, running around and having fun. It was much better than having a sulking teenager in their company for the duration of the summer. 

The couple was home for the evening, both of them with their feet up and relaxing, thoughts of dinner taking hold of the conversation as Sorcha thought of several things they could cook. They figured they would make extra just in case Alice wished to join them and perhaps if Frank had the time to stop in as well. The two parents couldn't show enough gratitude to Alice and Frank for watching over their daughter and acting as older siblings to Elspeth. There were times where Elspeth wouldn't open up to them, but if she was willing to get her feelings off her chest by talking to Frank or Alice then Sorcha and Caelan had no problem supporting their daughter hanging around the Aurors-in-Training.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, leaving one of them to answer it. Caelan told his wife to remain seated, taking the last couple of minutes to relax before Elspeth came in and possibly all hell broke loose from the girl's chaotic hyperactivity. 

"How much are we willing to be there will be a request for a stay-over?" Caelan called back with a chuckle over his shoulder.

"I'm still placing two Galleons on the table," Sorcha's voice rang out, leaving the man to smile as he reached the front door. He pulled it open, opening his mouth to make a statement about the predicted request from his daughter. However, as the door opened, Caelan's mouth remained open, but no sound emitted from him as he stood there. 

It was a mixture of shock and confusion, but mostly confusion when it came to the man's expression as he saw Elspeth on the doorstep without Alice, but more importantly, while the girl was without Alice, she was in the presence of Hades. The God stood beside Caelan's daughter, a warped expression on his face as if he was annoyed with something or rather someone. When Caelan looked back at Elspeth, he could see his daughter flashing him an attempt at an innocent smile.

"Oh, Elspeth, what did you do?"

Suddenly, the innocent grin faded as Elspeth placed her hands on her hips and looked up at her father with an offended look. "What's that supposed to mean? I didn't do anything! Why would that be your first assumption?"

It was quiet for a minute, leaving Elspeth with the task of going over her track record internally in her mind of all the times that she had gotten herself into trouble. It suddenly became quite clear as to why the man would assume that she had done something wrong, but fortunately, it was one of the rare times where Elspeth could claim that she was not at fault. 

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