Chapter Fifty

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[Chapter Fifty]

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[Chapter Fifty]

Elspeth wouldn't admit it out loud, but the little "Evans" taunt had been a little experiment to see how Lily would react. However, while she was hoping to spark a little bit of tension so that Lily didn't come across as nervous during the initial kiss, it seemed to spark something else for the fiery redhead. She had anticipated that she would have to be the one to initiate the kiss because Lily would be far too shy, but Lily was fully prepared to break all the rules that evening apparently.

With only a short distance between them, Elspeth went to move to finally close the remaining space, but Lily took her by surprise. She was unprepared as Lily's hands suddenly moved to her hands, holding two gently fistfuls that held Elspeth's head in place exactly where she wanted it to be. And with that, it was Lily, who closed the remaining space between them, placing her lips over Elspeth's and practically falling into her.

Her inexperience showed initially with how hard she actually kissed Elspeth, it was enough force that caught Elspeth off guard to fall back on her bed, or maybe that's what Lily wanted at the time because even after they fell over, Lily didn't break away from the kiss. Her long red hair fell over the two of them, working as a curtain of privacy that also tickled the sides of Elspeth's face. There was something about kissing a girl in general that relaxed Elspeth, even if she didn't share in many of the experiences of kissing them.

There was a softness to their lips, even with Lily's lips pressing hard against hers, Elspeth could still feel the softness and it was soothing. Or maybe it was just the sensation of being kissed that she found to be rather soothing at the time. The entire time she had been standing in front of Sirius in the Great Hall, she had wanted to kiss him as hard as Lily was kissing her at that moment.

She wanted to hold his soft locks in her hands, keeping him in place and feel his hands hold her tight like he used to. She wanted to say to hell with all the upcoming apologies and just have him hold her because her mind and body was simply craving it at the time. Just a hug would have sufficed at the time.

Suddenly, Lily pulled away for a second, leaving Elspeth to capture her breath for a second as the two were still face to face with one another. Lily seemed unsure if she had done something wrong, hoping for some input right away or at least some form of critique. And she wasn't sure how to feel when Elspeth smiled at her.

"So that's your kink, isn't it?" Elspeth said, placing her arms behind her head, while still gazing up at her. "You actually like being called Evans, don't you?"

Lily's expression washed over with confusion before she was able to get where Elspeth was going with the conversation before it hardened and she leaned over the girl with a stern expression.

"No, I don't actually," she said, "I don't like it at all."

"Are you sure about that, Evans?" Elspeth grinned at her, watching as Lily's face twisted and she left out a huff of frustration. "Because you seem to get rather flustered whenever I call you Evans. Is that it, Evans? Does it get to you?"

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