Chapter Eight

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The first frost of the season came earlier than expected, but Elspeth didn't find herself complaining at all as the frigid weather seemed to settle in overnight. It was the absolutely perfect weather for holding hands with Sirius. People didn't understand how thrilled she was or how internally giddy she became when Sirius had approached her in the corridor to ask her on a date. Finally, a boy had taken the time to take her on a date, a proper one that wouldn't just be solely focused on snogging and not to mention, her first proper date was with her dream boy. If it was all a dream, Elspeth certainly hoped that she didn't wake up from it. 

Even Penelope was in shock from the invitation as Sirius took Elspeth to the side in a shy manner to ask. The girl wondered if she had entered some sort of strange alternate universe as she had never seen either student come across as the shy type. But there they stood with prominent blushes on their faces and goofy grins as both of them attempted to hide behind their own hair. 

The two had their own false reputations created by the other students out of the school, whether they felt scorned or envious when it came to the two. They had the reputations of getting around, but it wasn't like that, at least, Penelope could vouch for Elspeth and the boys could vouch for Sirius. They were two good-looking people that had "tested the waters" of a dating pool but never really committed to jumping in fully. How quickly the term "slag" was thrown towards Elspeth's name from other girls, yet boys were praised for the same type of behaviour. 

It didn't matter, though, Elspeth had developed a thick skin over the years that couldn't be penetrated by the use of petty insults and words alike. What she did with her body and with who she wanted to do those things with was entirely her business and hers alone. If people didn't like it, no one was forcing them to stick around her. 

Nothing could drag Elspeth mood down as she awoke early the morning of her date to get dressed. It felt as though the smile had yet to leave her face since the day before as her face felt rather sore from it all. She entered the showers incredibly content with the idea of spending the day with Sirius, she thought about pinching herself once or twice to make sure she wasn't still in bed dreaming it all. 

Deciding on what to wear as she stood back in the dorm after her shower, Elspeth settled for one of her older jumpers that her mother had gifted her a couple of years ago. She had bought it in a larger size in order for Elspeth to grow into it. But while Elspeth had grown taller over the years, she hardly grew beyond that, leaving her with her father's somewhat lanky frame or as her mother referred to them as the "Hayes' String Beans."

But the dull yellow jumper would have to do paired thick tights and her warmer boots as it looked quite cold out. Although standing around in the Gryffindor Tower she felt quite warm as there were fires always going to keep the students warm. Heading down the stairs, Elspeth wondered if she was heading down to early, would he already be waiting for her or would she be waiting on him for quite some time?

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