Chapter Seven

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"Alright, call me Confused but what is the deal between you and Sirius Black?" Penelope asked during breakfast one morning during the weekend, where they finally had some time to breathe. The drama seemed to die down between Elspeth and James, but Elspeth wasn't fully convinced that it was over. She was sure the boy was planning something extravagant to seek his revenge, she was just playing the waiting game for the time being. But while she waited, she had definitely invested her time to spending it around Sirius. 

Penelope was concerned that Sirius was just using Elspeth to keep the girl distracted in order for James to swoop in for a surprise attack but Elspeth didn't seem the least bit concerned.

"What do you mean?" Elspeth questioned with a mouthful of toast. 

"I mean, are you two just snogging buddies or are you dating? What's going on there? I'm beginning to think that it was all set up by James-"

"Now you're just being paranoid, Lolo," Elspeth said using the nickname from their childhood. "Sirius isn't using me for James' benefits. As of right now, I guess you could just label us as snogging buddies, we're not exactly exclusive. At least, not to my knowledge."

"And that doesn't bother you? At all?"

Elspeth glanced up from where she had sprinkled some cinnamon sugar on her toast with a puzzled look. "No, why would it? I get to kiss Sirius Black, I'm perfectly okay with this arrangement."

"Alright, but since you're not exclusive, suppose you come upon Sirius kissing another girl, what are you going to do?"

"Step up my game obviously," the girl answered, " to stay at the top, you have to knock the competition out."

Penelope clapped her hands over her face and shook her head. She admired Elspeth's free spirit but it was the girl's attitude towards things that Penelope worried would hurt her the most one day. The boys weren't known for getting around the castle but they were sought after as may girls like Elspeth found them to be quite attractive. She just didn't want to see her best friend get crushed. If Sirius found her to be as desirable and kept coming back to her, Penelope didn't see why the two didn't start exclusively dating, it would make sense. All Elspeth had ever wanted was for the boy to pay attention to her the way she paid attention to him.

Her confidence hadn't been something that developed overnight, it was something that Elspeth had pushed herself to be. Whether it was to impress the boy or for her own sake, it worked for Elspeth in many cases, Penelope just didn't want to see the one time where it failed. 

"Come on, Penelope, what are you so worried about? I'm a big girl, I can handle myself."

"Against four boys?"

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