Chapter Fifty-Seven

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[Chapter Fifty-Seven]

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[Chapter Fifty-Seven]

As Elspeth ended back in the boys' room, cuddled in Sirius' arms, she suddenly felt sick to her stomach upon the arrival. She sat up immediately, feeling like she was going to actually vomit, but her sudden movements had startled Sirius awake as well. He sat up, watching as Elspeth had her hands placed over her face, shaking her head back and forth, leaving him to become concerned rather quickly. He had no idea what she had just come to face and he probably never would as he moved to sit beside her.

"El, what's wrong?" he asked her, lifting his hand and placing it on her back. Lifting up her head, she was about to tell him that she was only suffering from a bad dream, a very bad dream, but as she lowered her hands, she could see that Remus, Peter, and James were also in the room, looking at her, respectively from their own beds.

"Are you alright?" James questioned across the way. "Looks like you've been to hell and back."

Just looking at James at the moment left Elspeth's skin to crawl, even though it had nothing to do with James personally. It had to do with everything that had suddenly been thrown at her in such a short period of time. The Gods certainly enjoyed their surprises above all and loved hitting Elspeth with them when she least expected it.

"I'm fine," she told him, "I just had a bad dream is all. I had a dream where I failed all my N.E.W.T. exams and couldn't become an Auror after all."

She suddenly heard them all let out a small chuckle, which she almost took offence to, but she realised how silly it sounded, leaving her to start laughing as well.

"Alright, alright, so maybe it wouldn't be a nightmare to you four, but that's my dream right there," she said, trying to go with her lie. "I mean, I've wanted to be an Auror since I was like seven years old and found out what my parents did for a living. I wanted to become a Hit Witch when I was ten because I discovered that was a thing when one of my mum's friends came over for dinner."

"We're not laughing at your dreams, El," James said with an eye roll, " we're laughing at the fact that you think you're going to do poorly on your exams. Have you met yourself? You're a brilliant witch, you shouldn't even be worried about such things. You should be having nightmares about actually scary things, like a vampire stalking you or Lily and Sni...Severus dating."

"Why the hell would I have a nightmare about Lily and Severus dating?" she questioned them.

"Because it's gross," James said as if he was stating the obvious, " that's why."

Elspeth sighed, suddenly remembering what the Fates and Hades had informed about Lily and about James. It seemed damn near impossible at the time, if Lily was in the works of going on a date with her soulmate, it was pretty much a done deal, wasn't it? Why in her right mind would she suddenly turn away from Tucker Gooding and pursue James Potter? A boy who hadn't stopped harrassing her and her former best friend for years. Of course, Severus had played his own role but it still did not excuse James' behaviour of not taking a solid "no" as an answer.

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