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Elspeth Hayes came from a long line of skilled Aurors, ones that specialised in the Concealment and Disguise as well as Stealth and Tracking portions of their training. The surname of Hayes became well-known in the wizarding world and many wanted to learn the secrets as to why the family line was so destined for the job. It seemed from an early age that many showed the promise of becoming a skilled Auror. They were perfect for spying, able to go undetected by those that used any sort of magical detecting equipment. If they wished to go unnoticed it certainly was not a problem for them leaving many confused. 

The complications came with the children that came from the Hayes line, as the Ministry failed to have the Trace Cham attached to the child, unfortunately allowing any underage magic to go undetected. The members of the Ministry of Magic could not explain it. They searched the homes of the family members, trying to figure out what sort of Dark Magic was taking place but they couldn't come across anything. The Hayes did nothing more but ask for respect towards their privacy. They were good people who did good things for the Wizarding World. The world did not need to know all their secrets and that's how they wished to keep it. 

The Ministry of Magic was left frustrated but they could not fight the Hayes family knowing that they weren't the enemies. But who wouldn't want to know the magic behind their greatest strengths? Shortly after their homes were searched by the Ministry, the Hayes vanished from the radar. The Aurors would still turn up for their work, the children would still attend the school, but no one was welcomed to their homes and everything in the family remained quiet behind doors. 

The latest birth of the Hayes fell upon the shoulders of young Elspeth, daughter of Caelan and Sorcha. She was a blessing to the young couple, their one and only child that they wanted more than anything. Their pride and joy that would one day follow in their footsteps and continue to make Hayes name proud. But before she could get into the serious business of all the high expectations set by her family, Elspeth had to get into a little trouble first. After all, life would be considered dreadfully boring if everything went according to plan. 

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