Chapter Twenty-Four

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Elspeth learned under Hades, that it wasn't a matter of simply disappearing, it was all about manipulating the shadows around her, to conceal her presence. One could say that it sounded easy enough, but that certainly wasn't the case and the girl learned that very early on. The problem was, Hades didn't exactly have what would be considered patient teaching methods. More often if she did not perform it the way he taught her, he would lose his temper. It was terrifying to have the walls of the Underworld shake around her when he started yelling. Although she learned that his little tantrums never lasted long because as soon as Persephone heard him raise his voice, she would show up and put the God back in his place. 

But she was definitely about fairness, so if Elspeth was slacking off, she was able to witness Persephone's wrath unleashed on her, bringing her to listen to Hades whether she wanted to or not. To manipulate shadows was almost like manoeuvring heavy fabrics, thick like the curtains in her parents' home, Elspeth had to learn how to wield them to bend at her will. Hades made it appear effortless, but he reassured her that while the rest of her family could perform the actions, that they had not always been so graceful about it either.

Too many times, she was compared to her father back when he was first learning as the two were known for over compensating when it came to the manipulation of the shadows. Instead of making it look effortless, they definitely showed their struggles with the ability. But it definitely made Elspeth feel a lot better that she wasn't alone as the only member of her family to not grasp the concept right away. She figured that if she didn't get it right away that her parents would be somewhat disappointed, but everyone (with the exception of Hades) was awfully supportive. In his own way, Hades was supportive, he just didn't have the patience for the girl's smart mouth. 

"Ugh, it's so dark, I can't-" With the shadows cast over her, Elspeth felt the heaviness of the shadows and it was growing harder for her to breathe under the claustrophobic feeling. She couldn't see and as she tried to drag the darkness of her, she had a feeling that she was making it worse. "Can't..breathe! A little help here!"

She cried out and Hades, who had been watching the struggle merely rolled his eyes before making his way over to where the girl was and pulling the shadows off. She let out a dramatic gasp, clutching at her chest, but the God of the Underworld wasn't exactly looking sympathetic in that moment as he peered down at her. 

"Must you be so dramatic over everything?" He huffed at her.

"I thought Greeks were into drama?" She replied in a teasing tone, only to be cast back into the darkness. "No, wait! I'm sorry, I take it back!"

She was released again and that time, decided to keep her mouth shut. It was their last training session while was at home as she was to board the Hogwarts Express, later on, to return back to school. Unfortunately, the holidays were over, which meant she would have to return back to her classes. But now that she was aware of the family secret and didn't have to worry so much about it, she would be able to focus most of her attention back to studying for the O.W.L.s.

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