Chapter Forty-Two

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[Chapter Forty-Two]

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[Chapter Forty-Two]

While the beginning of the summer had been nothing full of teenage and slight Underworld drama, Elspeth found herself enjoying the rest of it. Fortunately, Hades had taken care of the situation with Alice, Sirius, and James, promising that none of them would have a recollection of the incident. It seemed to hold true as the next time Elspeth saw Alice, the young woman made no mention of it. That offered some relief as Elspeth didn't have to worry about any questioning and was just able to enjoy the limited time that she had with Alice and Frank. Unfortunately, the two were entering a crucial time of their training, so they weren't able to visit as often as they wanted to but she was thankful for every moment that she had with them.

And while she had taken the opportunity to write to Lily, explaining the situation, she received no letter in return.  Only, it didn't bother Elspeth as much as she thought it would, in fact, she had only noticed a couple of weeks later that she had yet to receive anything in the post. It seemed Sirius and James had given up as well when it came to sending their letters of apology, more than likely taking the hint that she wasn't going to respond until she was damn well ready, no matter how much they flooded her with Howlers.

So, while her parents worked, Elspeth took it upon herself to spend plenty of time in the Underworld, more than often annoying Hades with her company, or so the God claimed. Truth be told, he seemed to expect her presence every day, usually the first one to be aware of her arrival. And while he claimed that she didn't have to visit every day, on the few days that she didn't show up because she was spending time with her parents, he would find himself slightly lost with what to do.

It didn't take much for Elspeth's parents to notice that the God had developed a soft spot for their daughter. The fact that he didn't destroy her after she dared to twist one or both of his nipples, showed that she had become a fast favourite. Caelan claimed that if he had ever attempted to do such a thing, he would have met the worst fate in existence before Hades' nipple could even harden. But the Hayes couldn't find themselves complaining, the family was already under the protection of the God and if Hades was willing to add extra protection when it came to keeping their daughter safe and watching over her, they didn't see anything wrong with it.

Every day she spent in the Underworld, Elspeth would come back, claiming she had learned something new and that made the two adults feel more at ease. There was a darkness looming over the Wizarding World, those who practised the Dark Arts seemed to be growing in numbers. They knew that Elspeth had aspirations to become an Auror as well but it worked in her favour that she would be able to protect herself should anything come to happen. They needed the extra reassurance that Elspeth was going to be alright because that was their first priority above all things in their lives.

Hades knew that very well, he knew how much the girl meant to her parents, she also meant a great deal to him and Persephone. Sometimes incredibly cheeky, other times stubborn and hard-headed, loud, and overall, somedays a pest, she was also caring, funny, and brought a light to the Underworld that reminded Hades of when Persephone came to live with him. Perhaps Persephone had sensed the same thing as she was so keen on keeping the girl closer than she did with any other member of the Hayes family.

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