Chapter Fifty-Eight

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[Chapter Fifty-Eight]

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[Chapter Fifty-Eight]

Even with Hades' proposal for something a whole lot sweeter than the Elysian Fields, Elspeth still didn't find herself a hundred percent down with the idea of getting Lily and James together in the terms of playing matchmaker. It felt incredibly wrong in her mind to defy the natural urges Lily shared towards Tucker and steer the girl in the direction of James, who was actually attempting to move on as well. It seemed that everything was actually perfect without the godly interference, but now Elspeth was the task force that was there to fuck everything up. The only way she was going to be able to get through it was reminding herself that the wizarding world depended on her matchmaking skills.

Lily and James needed to get together, at least long enough so that they were able to produce the children that were to save the world, then if it didn't work out, they would be free to pursue their own path of happiness. At least, that's what Elspeth told herself in order to get into the proper mindset. Of course, Hades and the others were exactly offering her any proper guidance because it was all supposed to be on her to bring the assigned couples together.

Just the idea of it, left Elspeth to get little sleep and within the first week of school, she was struggling to stay awake in all of her classes and of course, Professor McGonagall was the first to call her out about it.

"Ms Hayes, are you getting enough sleep at night?" the Transfiguration professor questioned after lecture of human transfiguration.

Immediately, Elspeth sat up in her chair, not liking the idea of being called out as it left her feeling extremely exposed. "Uh, yes, Professor McGonagall, why do you ask?"

"Because the class was dismissed over five minutes ago and you're still here," Professor McGonagall informed her.

Elspeth took a quick glance around the classroom, only to note that she was the only one remaining in the class as all the chairs and desks were empty. She swore under her breath before quickly picking herself up, wondering why the boys or even Lily hadn't come to tell her they were all leaving? She apologised to Professor McGonagall before collecting her things off the table and heading out of the classroom.

As she searched for her group of friends or at least, one of them, Elspeth encountered all of them in the Great Hall having lunch. Lily sat separately with Marlene, but also in the company of Tucker, the two of them sitting awfully close on the bench. Lily was currently blushing at whatever he saying to her at the time, leaving Elspeth to bite the inside of her cheek.

"Oh, dick on a stick," Elspeth sighed to herself, " it's already begun, hasn't it?"

Removing her wand from the upper part of her sleeve, Elspeth aimed the end of it at the legs of the bench.

"Diffindo!" she called under her breath twice, watching as the legs of the bench on the one side were cut clean.  The sudden unevenness caused Tucker to roll off the end with a sounding screech as he hit the floor.

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