Knights and Medics

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The art is by @ un_knownmonarch on Instagram :], the lighting and everything is so cute, i love it.

Also, there are brief mentions of blood, but it's not bad, just wanted to say that. 


Dream and Sapnap have been best friends for as long as they can remember.

Although both boys are seen as "hot-headed" in certain situations, they're both bundles of energy and they bounce off each other naturally.

And while this is great for their friendship, it's not always the best when their training as knights.

The two friends, especially when together, were competitive and not afraid of getting a little dirty, which came in handy with their job.

Both the blond and raven-haired males had signed up to join the royal knights when they turned 18, seeing as it was a tradition on the male sides of their families. And seeing as they are practically connected at the hip, this was a great way for both of them to hang out together, while still being productive.


"Oh come on Sap, i know you can do better" Dream talked back to the Texan, a very normal occurrence when they were practice sparing.

"Dude, how am i supposed to do anything when it seems like you know what I'm going to do next",  Sapnap retorted, "it's like the second i bring up my sword you're already aiming for my legs".

" Well, stop being so predictable than" The blond's confident smile evident in his voice.

The two had been sparing for over an hour, practicing for an assessment that their group of knights would be having soon. Both wanting to practice proper stances, attacks and also cleaning when it came to weapons and armor. And what way was better than beating up your best friend to practice all three.

"I'm not predictable! you can just like, read my mind, man" The raven-haired male exclaimed while getting back into position.

The room they were practicing in was a large rectangle, with high ceilings, cream-colored walls, and lots of natural light. There were many windows on the walls as well as the ceiling, that had a grid of windows to allow as much light as possible. The building had a large rectangle in the center, hardwood flooring where everyone would practice. As well as an area around the practice space, a walking area around 5 feet wide, with a couple of benches placed for the people watching, or the knights to take a break. There was also a back room, of course, where the knights could go and where all the equipment was. In the center of the training floor, there was a large circle outline, made of darker wood, to indicate where the knights would practice sparing, or where knights would take physical assessments.

As Sapnap got back into position on one side of the circle, Dream also got into place, after both boys took a much-needed water break.

"I'm just saying, you gotta keep me on my toes more. Do something i wouldn't expect to leave me wondering what's coming" Dream instructed, both boys tapped their swords together before holding them correctly, and then began to practice once again.

And do something Dream wasn't expecting, Sapnap did.

As the boys circled each other, staying inside the darker circle ring, Dream took a step forward, lifting his arms to make a hit on Sapnaps right arm, aiming for the shoulder. As the blond swung his weapon at the other, Sapnap ducked, the sword flying over his head, and Sapnap quickly recovered, standing up and hitting Dream with his sword on the others left arm, seeing as it was exposed due to the other recent move.

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