Too Much

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I have so many screenshots of Sapnap crouching smh

tw// description of sensory overload


Dream sat on the couch, trying to pull his mind away from everything.

He hated being home alone, even if it was just supposed to be for the week. The occasionally hour a alone was always nice, but a week without anyone, unless it was online, was like torture for him. It wasn't exactly because of his energetic and somewhat extroverted self, but also because of little things his mind always slipped him into.

As he sat on the couch, the TV playing quietly to drown out the sound of electricity in the apartment and the soft sounds the fan made as it spun above him, he tried his best not to focus on all the feelings of different textures touching his body.

The more he tried to ignore it, the feeling of rough denim on his legs, soft cotton on his torso, the somewhat rough and scratchy couch cushions against the back of his arms, the feeling of his socks moving with every flex of his toes, and even the feeling of his hair resting on his forehead all felt like too much.

The sensory overload of fabrics started to feel like too much, so he quickly stood, rushing to his room as he threw on sweatpants, changing his shirt into a hoodie made of the same soft fabric. He had the hood up, it keeping the blond locks out of his eyes as he walked back to the couch. With less differing fabrics he felt like he could finally think. Somewhat.

He sat criss cross (apple sauce) on the couch, resting his hands in the hoodie pocket, messing with the soft material. He stared blankly at the screen as his thoughts drifted.

He missed George and Sapnap.

The dark haired male was currently visiting his boyfriend, Karl, for a week. The entire month beforehand Sapnap couldn't stop talking about how excited he was, and Dream could only smile and chuckle warmly at the other, happy that Sapnap would be able to spend time with Karl, since he understood how hard long distance can be.

And George was currently visiting his family in the UK. Normally Dream would go with him, although he hated flights so planes were a little hard for him, he still loved to spend time with his boyfriends family. Although they weren't out yet to the brunets parents, even after 6 months of online dating and now 4 months of in real life dating, he understood the others struggle with talking to his parents about that sort of thing, and the others nervousness for how they'd react.

This time though, the American hadn't gone to the UK with the brit because of some "family stuff" being sorted out. He was a little upset but fully understood, knowing when to back out of something that truly didn't involve him.

He continued to think untill it became too much, his brain drifting off too much to have coherent thoughts. The blond rested his head into his palms, focusing on the feeling of the skin-on-skin contact.

After rubbing his eyes softly, he looked up at the screen, noticing the sounds of the fan. He quickly reached for the remote, putting on a movie he's soon too many time to count.

Once the movie began, he reached for his phone, trying to direct his mind off of his roommates.

That didn't exactly work.

After a couple of minutes of scrolling through Instagram, then Twitter, then tik tok, he found himself at his gallery. He stared at pictures of an adorable brunet, smiling softly at the sight of his boyfriend.

He's only been alone for 3 days and he already feels so alone without the others being in the same apartment as him.

Dream continued to go though photos, scanning over George's face in all the ones he was in. He's practically memorized the others face perfectly at this point, a hyperfixation he picked up on while crushing on the brown-eyed boy.

All he could think about for weeks were soft brown eyes, their slightly golden hints in the correct lighting, the dark brown hair, almost mistaken for black if the sun isn't hitting it. Thinking about soft pink lips, small, barley noticeable freckles, dotted across pale pink cheeks and the bridge of George's nose.

He could see the others face when he closed his eyes at night. He missed not having to close his eyes to see George next to him.

It's only been 3 days and he feels like he's gone insane.

Dream puts his phone down, standing up and pacing as he tried to figure out how to spend his time. All he wanted to do in that moment was drag his mind away from the thoughts of pale, soft hands running up and down his arm, something George always did to help ground him.

He figured a good way to spend his time would be to maybe stream, a chill one that would only last around two hours max, something to keep his mind busy. For now.

Since it was 9 pm in Florida, he figured this would be a nice time to stream and then fall asleep
afterwards. Now that George lived on Orlando with him, his sleep schedule had become much better, still off on certain days, but definitely getting there to a "normal" time.

He sat down at his desk, booting up minecraft and then twitch. He started off the casual stream with his usual soft "Hi!" as he waited for the notification to go out.

After about two minutes of casual conversation with chat and random running and jumping in the blocky world, he noticed a significant increase in viewers, figuring the notification finally went out.

He smiled, clapping his hands together and then got to some speed-running.

Since it was only him and chat, he read donations, trying his best to keep up with everything.

About 30 minutes into streaming, he noticed the chat zooming fast as they talked about George being there. His eyebrows quirked up, knowing it was around 1:30 am for George currently.

"Um, I don't think George is here, chat" he replied, seeing the chat continue to go off. He chuckled lightly, but he fell silent at the sound of his phone ringing. He looked over, seeing the caller ID of none other than the brunet himself.

"I'm streaming, what's up?" he spoke as he answered the call, putting him on speaker.

"Why don't you think im here?" the other immediately asked, voice groggy from the time zone difference, getting used to the time change.

"Well it's late for you, I didn't think you'd join" the taller shrugged, even though no one could see him.

"Well, I'm here" George replied, laughing softly at the end of his sentence. Dream laughed lightly along with him, feeling his cheeks burn from the adorable giggle coming from over the line.

"You should get some sleep, I'll talk to you soon" the blond said, hearing a "sure, mom, goodnight" and another giggle, seeing that George had hung up first.

He laughed once again, about to put his phone down untill he saw a text notification pop up at the top of his screen. The text was from George reading; "I'm gonna stay watching your stream, I miss listening to your voice before I go to bed".

Dreams heart melted after reading that, sending back "I miss your voice too, I love you, and goodnight...simp".

He continued to play, reading donos and such to draw chats attention away from the small moments of silence after George had hung up. Although, he did notice the text notification out the corner of his eye, looking over and reading "I love you too, idiot".

He smiled and continued to stream, feeling so much better than he had felt eairler.


The ending bit with George saying "why don't you think im here" and stuff, is inspired (stolen lmao) from Dreams stream "just chilling what's UP", at around 1:12:00 if your wondering lol

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