Cold Nights and Warm Hugs

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a little angsty since I need to project real quick 🥰 happy ending ofc :]



Everything felt so cold as George sat on his roof, staring up at the bright stars dotting the beautiful expanse of navy blue sky.

The cold breeze made him shake softly, the tears flowing down his cheeks not helping.

He had an argument with his mom, over something he couldn't even control, and when he tried to talk calmly and explain his point of view, his mother decided she'd yell and point out every little thing that was flawed in her son.

He stomped off, going up the stairs and slamming door shut. He's never slammed a door before, but something about it was so reliving.

Since his room was on the second story, access to the roof was much easier for him. He climbed on top, just so he could star gaze and cry more privately for a little.

After a few moments, getting his breathing back to normal, he texted his boyfriend.

His mom had found out he was dating Dream, which is why they were having the argument in the first place.

He never wanted to tell her about it, but he had slipped up and accidentally called Dream his boyfriend, instead of just 'friend', when he got home and was talking to her.

Dream texted back right away, after seeing that George said he was on his roof and needed some comfort. The blond said he'd be there soon, and since Dream has snuck into his room before, it wouldn't be hard for him to find his way to the roof. It was just easier to go up there from inside.

But, for obvious reasons, Dream wouldn't be allowed inside his house at the moment.

About 10 minutes passed, and that's when George's eyes cought sight of his boyfriends car, parking by the curb and climbing out of his car, making his way to the side of the house.

He climbed up pretty quickly, due to practice, and made his way to the roof with a backpack.

"What did you bring?" George's brows furrowed, a small hiccup escaped his lips from crying. His shaking hadn't stopped and his shoulders felt way to tense.

"A surprise" Dream said with a smile, pulling a hoodie out from his bag and handing it to the cold boy, since he knew it was a cold night. He also pulled out two sodas, the brunets favorite chocolate covered raisins, and a bag of skittles for himself. He always saved the red ones for the other though, since those were George's favorite.

"Thank you" George smiled, leaning into Dream's shoulder, who sat down next to him and leaned his own head on top of the other's.

They stared at the sky and talked about everything and nothing. George had talked about the whole ordeal with his mom and Dream had talked about his little sister's current adventure with nail polish, which is why his nails were painted pink, purple, and green.

They talked about the argument they had the other day, something about not knowing where their relationship would end up in the future, both being worried, but ending up on just going with the flow.

And now, 5 years later and fresh out of college, Dream handed his boyfriend all of his red skittles as they sat on the roof of their house, and George told the blond all about how his mom was learning to be supportive.

George felt warm as he leaned into his boyfriends side, Dream hugging him tightly in return and kissing all around the brunets face and neck, anywhere he could reach.



This is really fucking short---- but it's cute, leave me alone

Don't mind the fact that I speed ran writing this, I really wanted to post something lol

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