Colored Casts

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heyo :] I haven't been writing my usual dnf oneshots as much recently since I've been working on my ao3 onehsots, so if your interested in those, I've posted them on this account too :] (make sure to read the tags that I've posted, they're all in the pictures above the oneshot)

cw// broken bone (its not described or anything but yea) minor injuries (just from falling so it's not bad)


How did he get here? Laying on his back, cast-covered ankle resting on the mattress, crutches leaning against the wall closest to his bed for easy access.

George knew it was a bad idea when Sapnap asked him to go skateboarding with him, but he figured it'd be fine, they'd stay in the neighborhood and wouldn't go far. But of course, with his luck, George just had to hit some stupid rock on the way down the sloped drive way, landing on his foot weirdly. His elbows stung, scraped the same as his hands, but of course it was his ankle of all things that got the worst treatment.

He had only really said yes because there was little to no chance of getting recognized by fans, just skating outside of their house. But now, he han multi colored band-aids decorating his scraped knees.

Sapnap felt horrible afterwards, apologizing a thousand times for making George go skate with him, but the brunet assured him it was fine, it's not like the other placed that rock down specifically so George would hit it. He appreciated Sapnap's concern and apologies, but he also found humor in the situation. He broke his ankle on the way down their drive way, not even in some cool skating trick type of thing. 

However, he couldn't exactly complain, because Dream was more then willing to take care of him.

"Hey, I brought lunch," his boyfriend entered the room, holding a bag with some take out containers. "Well, Sapnap got it but I paid, so," he chuckled, that kind smile on his lips never fading.

"Thanks," George grinned back and took the containers handed to him, opening them and smelling the delicious Chinese take-out. He used the chopsticks provided to eat, taking the soda Dream also brought him.

"Um, is it ok if I draw on your cast?" the taller asked, looking down at the plain white wrapping the boys ankle. He had only had it on for a little over a week, although George is sort of surprised they hadn't asked to atleast sign it by now.

"Sure, I don't care," George replied with a shrug, practically inhaling his food. Because he couldn't walk without the crutches, he tended to put off getting up until the very last minute, so he hadn't eaten since the last time Dream brought him food.

"He said yes!" Dream called over his shoulder excitedly, Sapnap running in with a pack of sharpies, an assortment of colored markers laid before them.

George laughed as the other two scrambled onto the bed, drawing little shapes and doodles across the cast, sighing their names across the top of their creations, right under the top band of his cast. The brunet ate as they did their little arts and crafts, watching the sharpie drag along. As they drew, the three made conversation, but it was quite surprising how intently focused they were on drawing stupid little stick figures. It was honestly adorable, the sight of both of them happily drawing away, the cast slowly turning into a multicolored creation.

"Can you move your leg that way? So we can get the other side," Sapnap explained, switching what marker he was using to a color George couldn't see.

The brit moved his leg carefully, the opposite -and blank- side of the cast facing up. They got to work once again, green and dark eyes focused.

Once they decided it was perfect, both boys smiled up at him, Sapnap leaving soon after. Dream reminded George of a worried parent, the blonde never leaving him in fear that he'd get hurt if Dream couldn't see him, so he stayed.

"What did you both draw?" George asked, scanning over what he could see. It was hard to tell what they drew, because it was upside down, colors he couldn't see, and sloppily drawn by 20 year-olds.

"So, Sapnap drew everything in red and orange, some little fire doodles and stick figures skateboarding," they both laughed at that, "and I drew everything in green, purple, and blue. We have some hearts, stars, and smiley faces."

Dream then took a picture of both sides of the cast, crawling up the bed to sit beside George, pointing out whatever he drew. There were some cats drawn about and little Minecraft blocks and items, both of them smiling softly the whole time.

By now, George had finished eating, leaning his head against the tallers shoulder. Dream had been so caring this entire time, making sure he didn't have to get up unless necessary and doing whatever he could for the other. George wrapped his arms around his boyfriend and pulled him closer, smelling cinnamon apple and comfort.

"Thank you," he said quietly, squeezing the taller closer.

"For what?" Dream asked, rubbing his hand up and down the others back.

"For taking care of me," George replied, pulling back a little to look up at soft eyes.

"Of course I would, you don't have to thank me for this, baby," the blonds affectionate tone melted George's heart, a soft blush rising to pale cheeks from the green gaze landing on his face.

George moved forward to kiss the boy softly, Dream returning the gentle placement of plush pink lips against eachother, enjoying the others presence.

"...When they remove your cast, we can keep it right?" Dream asked when the kiss ended, a few beats of silence between the soft affection and his question.

"If you'd like to keep it, we can," the brunet nodded approvingly, looking back down at Dream's phone, still open to the pictures, two stick figures holding hands with a two cat at their feet.

"Yes," Dream cheered in a hushed voice, beaming as bright as the sun.

Maybe breaking his ankle wasn't so bad.


I'm sorry that this one is a bit short, I've just been feeling more motivated when writing my genderbent oneshots compared to when I write these lately I guess

plus, I spent like hours yesterday writing and editing my most recent genderbent onehsot, and it's like 8,600 words long lmao

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