Hiden Feelings

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Here's another long one lmao, it's like 3,000 words

I may be posting this at 11:56 at night, but it's better late then never 💖💖 atleast it's still the 18th, am I right?

Also, I love seeing the names of yalls like libraries (idk, the things yall add this too) a few of them are so good lol

tw//crying, anxiety


George was sitting in a VC with Sapnap, just the two of them in a private call as they spoke.

While both of then tended to be pretty competitive with eachother over stupid things, which basically just means arguing back and forth and killing eachother uselessly in minecraft, there both still bestfriends.

At the end of the day they both know their stupid, teasing, and playful banter is just that, banter. And through those joking times he's been able to let himself loose infront his close friends, letting his emotions be shared. Not often, but a simple "I'm kinda anxious right now, can we talk?" kind of call was better then sitting alone in his dark room, letting his scared thoughts swallow him whole.

And it just so happened to be one of those calls right now, where he sat in his desk chair, cuddled up in a large hoodie, knees to his chest and headphones on as he talked about his feelings for Dream to Sapnap.

"I don't know, I'm so worried. I'm pretty sure he's straight anyways...and what if I did tell him and he doesn't like me back? what if he get all uncomfortable, doesn't want to be friends anymore?" the raven-haired boy knew better then to interupt the others shy rambling, just listening to him talk and taking notes in his head, trying to come up with a response.

George tended to get so in his head, that others calming words could sometimes come off as too strong when he felt super upset, which is something Sapnap learned quickly. When the brown-eyed boy talked about his emotions, it was better to wait till he was done speaking and do your best to calm him with soft spoken words. And the raven-haired male always did his best to obey by that.

And the brunet always appreciated that, he also appreciated that Sapnap would just sit and listen quietly, and never make him feel bad for his anxious thoughts. The younger boy was surprisingly good at helping George through his mind and out of the maze of worry.

After a beat of silence the dark-eyed boy decided he could talk now, his voice gentle to remind the other he's ok. "I think you should tell him when you feel ready, and if you want more reassurance you could talk to him about sexuality, figure out that part first. And when it comes to the second part, I'd say he would never stop talking to you because you like him. He cares too much about you to let that get in the way of your friendship. You both are really close, and he'd never throw away your friendship over something like that."

The others words definitely helped calm the brown-eyed boy a bit, letting his knees fall to just a criss cross position in his chair, a physical way of putting his guard down. "But what about if he's uncomfortable? he might still want to be friends, but what will happen to all the joke flirting and stuff?" he questions, his voice still timid.

"For that part...I'd say if he doesn't reciprocate your feelings, the flirting will probably stop for awhile, but uncomfortable? I don't think he'd get like that with you, if anything he'd be flattered, you know his ego" they both laugh at that, knowing how cocky and confident their friend can be.

George nodded, then remembered the other couldn't see him, saying "Yeah, you've got a point there," they laughed softly once again before he continued, "do you know if he likes anyone?" his voice lillted up at the end of his sentence, slight hope behind his words, practically praying Dream doesn't like anyone else, and that he may have a shot.

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