Valentines Day

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Personally, I feel like Valentines day is kinda dumb lmaoo, but it gives me something to write sooo here we are.


Dream had been planning his idea for months.

Since it would be his and George's first Valentines day together, he wanted it to be perfect. Even though the brunet had said "Valentines day is so dumb, why do we need a specific day to take your partner out?" Dream wasnt going to miss out on an opportunity to shower his boyfriend with love and gifts.


The dirty blond was checking the weather app on his phone, for later that evening, as he waited for George, who was getting ready in their room.

Dream had already been dressed and ready for about 15 minutes. Even throwing on a couple black and silver rings, as well as black stud earrings, since he knew George liked it when be wore jewelry.

Dream had decided on a more "edgy" outfit, but still somewhat colorful. He had thrown on black ripped jeans, his signature green hoodie, and black boots with matching green laces.

The dirty blond also made sure his hair was messy, but controlled. Since George liked it like that.

After a few more minutes of waiting, the pretty brunet emerged from their bedroom, wearing a blue sweater with a white collar poking out, black cuffed jeans, and blue converse.

They smiled at eachother, Dream stood up from his spot on the couch, walking closer to the other. He held the shorters sides and pulled him onto a hug, rubbing circles with his thumbs.

They both pulled away after a moment, gazing at eachother until the brit broke the silence.

"I love you, but why are we going out tonight? I already said-" Dream cut him off by kissing his nose.

"I love you too, and were going because I said so" he let go off the shorter boy, grabbing his hand instead and leading him outside to the car.

They climbed in, Dream starting the car and George controlling the music.

"So, where are we going?" the brown-eyed boy asked, his voice lilting up, almost sing-songy.

"I don't know, well see" the freckled boy teased, using the same tone of voice and shrugging. He pulled out of the driveway, heading to their destination.

Dream couldn't get his mind off of the bags in his trunk, smiling at just the thought of his items, as well as his boyfriend who was singing next to him.

The Floridian knew the drive would be somewhat long, about 45 minutes to an hour long, depending on traffic. So, he had made sure they left at the right time, 4:50.

Both boys sung loudly to whatever songs were playing, enjoying eachothers company.

At one point they were stopped at a red light and Dream took out his phone, taking a picture of the brunet, George looking out of the window with a warm red glow lightning up his face.

When the light turned green, sadly, the green-eyed boy had to turn his attention to the road once again. Although, he did move the hand resting on the middle console to lay on the shorters lower thigh. He squeezed his leg briefly to get his attention, both smiling at eachother and then continuing to sing.

When Dream arrived to their destination, George stared out at the vast ocean in front of their parking spot, smiling at the beautiful blue view. The blond looked over, seeing how content the other looked.

They climbed out of the car, Dream instructing the smaller to find a spot on the sand while he grabbed a few things from the car. As he watched the brown-eyed boy walk away to take a seat on the beach, he walked to the trunk and grabbed the bags he had brought.

He walked away from the car, closing the trunk and locking it, making his way to George. He grabbed one of the bags, opening it and pulling out a thin blanket, laying it down for the two to sit on. They both sat, the older sitting on the right and the younger on the left. Dream leaned back onto his palms, checking his phone to see the time, 5:58.

"So, what's your plans?" the Brit asked, once again, trying to figure out what else the other was going to do.

"Well see, Georgie" the blond smirked, reaching back into his bag that originally held the blanket, pulling out monsters for the two of them. He handed one to the brunet, popping his open and taking a sip.

They talked about whatever was on their mind, eventually talking about some coding ideas they had. When Dream saw the sun starting to set, he grabbed the other bag, telling the other to close his eyes.

The American pulled out the long, thin, black box, taking off the lid and pulling out the black frames with red lenses. Sliding them onto George face.

"Ok open your eyes, George" he said softly, resting his hands on the other's knees.

Brown eyes slowly opened, realizing what the other had gotten for him when he saw the bright green in front of him, seeing the warm sunset in his peripheral vision.

"Holy shit..." he muttered, looking at the other as if he was perfect. To him he was. He got to see just how amazing his viridian-eyes were, getting to see the others soft pink cheeks, seeing what green looked like. "Your green!" he exclaimed, his expression showed childish happiness, his face was practically split in half with his wide toothy grin.

"Yea! I am!" Dream replied, grabbing the others hands instead of his knees. They squeezed eachothers hands at the same time, laughing softly at their timing. "Now look out at the ocean! that was my main plan".

George turned to get a full view of the warm sky, seeing pinks, oranges, and yellows fading into a blue. His smile never faltered as he stared in awe at the sight.

"Thank you so much..." his voice was soft, full of fondness and love for the other. He turned back towards his loving boyfriend, moving his hands to hook around his neck. Dream laughed softly, cupping his cheeks, leaning into kiss the other.

Their lips felt soft against eachother, feeling the way they moved in sync. They kissed with just lips for a couple of seconds, soon Dream lightly licked and nipped at the others bottom lip. George pulled back laughing softly, muttering,

"Not now" somewhat stern but obviously joking, leaning his head into the others chest, facing out at the ocean. They stared at the sunset, enjoying eachothers presence once again.


This is kinda short and simple, but I think it's pretty cute :]

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