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why did they put George in a box wksvai anyway

cw//mentions of alcohol (it's not a lot, but like he goes to a party soo) sexual harassment (pretty brief but there)

this is kinda similar to "carmine covered roses" but they're guys and this has more plot and lore lmao


Knowing you're in love and thinking you might be in love, are two very different tlhings.

George thought he might be in love when one year for valentines day, a pretty blonde girl had given him an extra lollipop, and even complimented his hair. Yes, he was too young to know what love even was, but to an 8 year old, an extra lollipop was everything.

George thought he might be in love with his highschool girlfriend when she wore that blue dress to homecoming their sophomore year. Pale pink cheeks and soft hands that held his made butterflies swarm his stomach with flittering wings.

George thought he might be in love with his prom date senior year, both wearing matching suits with ties that matched the others favorite color. Pictures taken infront of the fireplace of his boyfriends home, both pairs of parents so excited for how handsome their sons looked. George remembers how after the prom his boyfriend had taken him to get milkshakes and french fries, ordering George his favorite without even asking him what he wanted because he already knew. But then, a month later cheated on him with one of the boys on the football team.

But now, in college, George knows hes in love with his roommate, his straight roommate, Dream.

Tonight was proving to be especially difficult, seeing as George was currently sat on the couch with a bowl of chocolate ice cream, hoping to eat away the sadness that plagued his mind. Dream had left to go to a party eairler in the night, saying something about hoping to find a girl or whatever straight guy thing a college student would do at a party.

George shrugged and wished him luck, but as soon as the door closed, he shoved his face into the couch throw pillows and screamed.

When George had arrived in Florida for college, falling in love with his pretty roommate was not on his check list of things he needed to do, and right now he really wished it was never added because this was horrible.

But, Dream was just so.... Dream. Blond hair and brown freckles, tall enough that his head fit into his chest when they hugged, and he was always kind, buying drinks for the brunet or even paying for their dinner most of the time. George always told him that he could pay for his half of the bill, but Dream always said he would just buy it and George could pay next time. He rarely let George pay next time.

Dream was competitive enough that playing video games and board games were always fun and didn't end in arguments -atleast not always- and he was smart enough that he taught George new things when it came to just about anything. Dream was just always himself and didn't try to hide it. That's why George knows he's in love with the other, because he genuinely knows who Dream is.

So, when the blond came home early from the party, he was very surprised. Dream rarely came home early from things like this, stating "you only experience college once, I'm gonna live it to the fullest" so he wouldn't usually miss out and head home at this time of day.

Dream came in, seeing George on the couch with a tub of chocolate ice cream and the brunets favorite sad movie to cry too on the TV. The blond faintly smelled of alcohol and his pine cologne was faded, and a small red and purple mark dotted his neck.

They didn't say anything to eachother as Dream grabbed a spoon and cuddled up next to George under the fluffy blanket, and they still didn't saying anything when the blond started to eat some of the chocolate ice cream. They cried at the sad parts of the movie together, sharing a box of tissues.

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