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Thank you Alpha_FreakWolf for the request! very poggers :]

ahaha, what if I told you I started writing a story 😳 ahaha, what would yall think 😳. I also wrote a Karlnap oneshot, I'm gonna post it separately just like my dreamnotnap one :]

Ive been writing a lot recently so if my oneshot uploads are a little slow it's because of that, plus I have my FSA today, wish me luck 😎


George walked down the hallway full of other students, heading to his 4th period class, right before lunch.

His 4th period was his favorite, and yet least favorite class. He loved the class itself because it was English, he loved reading and discussing books, getting to learn how other people interrupted what they read, and writing essays always came easy to him. Plus a certain boy was in that class, who always said 'hi' to him when he'd sit down.

But, the teacher was always too energetic and tried to get everyone to participate, even that certain boy.

Dream has been the brunets crush since junior year, now going into their senior year, plus the blond was the quarterback of the football team. He very rarely interacted in class, but he obviously did his work, so the teacher would occasionally pick him and try to make him participate.

George finally got to his classrooms door, walking in and taking his seat, in the middle row to the left. Dream sat a couple seats behind him, in the last row. The blond was already seated, talking to his friend Sapnap, who was also on the football team.

"Hey George" Dream stopped mid-conversation, turning to wave slightly at the the brunet. He waved back, saying a small 'hi' and sitting down.

Both George and Dream were friends with the raven-haired male, although they themselves didn't interact too often, whenever they did talk it felt like they're was too many awkward pauses and anxiety sitting in the air.

The rest of the class was quickly piling in, sitting down and once the bell rang the teacher began to teach their next lesson.


"Dude, when are you going to atleast try to speak to him?" Sapnap complained, leaning against his palm at his and the brunets lunch table.

The slightly younger boy usually sat with George at lunch, and not too long ago the brit had told the other about his crush, Sapnap immediately saying "I swear on my life I will never tell him, you have my full trust" in a very overexagerated manner.

"How many times do I have to tell you, I won't. He's probably straight anyway, isn't there that girl that always talks to him too?" George questioned.

Speaking of that girl, they heard her talking. She was standing infront of Dreams table, who was seated with a few other football players, cheerleaders, and just other friends. She was relatively new on the cheerleading team, and immediately started talking to the tall boy as soon as she saw him.

"Hey Dream, can I sit here?" she asked, pointing to the empty seat next to him. The table was only one over and one infront of theirs, so the two boys could hear her some-what well.

"Um, sure" he shrugged in reply, scooting down a little and letting her sit at the end of the table, next to him.

"See, my point has been proven" George said, looking over at his friend.

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