Gift Giving

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Do yall want a 4th part to cardboard cutouts? if I do make another part, it'll be the last one and very different compared to paper towns, but I do have an idea for it, if yall would like it lol :]

Also, I love seeing the people that always interact with these oneshots/ the people that speedrun these oneshots and then I get like 15 notifications from people voting, I love it so much lol :]


He typed idly away at his phone, replying to Sapnap. Dream was trying to find the best gift to get for his boyfriend, for no particular reason, although George always insisted its because his love language is gift giving.

He just wanted to get something for his cute boyfriend, why does their have to be a reason for it, even if the "answer" is his love language.

Dream knew, though, that his love language is gift giving, constantly spending money on his friends, even if its for stupid stuff, just to see them smile and laugh, or any other positive response, that the blond could practically live off of.

So, he continued to text Sapnap, trying to come up with ideas. The raven-haired boy didn't want to help at first, not understanding at all. George's birthday was not close at all, and there were no other holidays or special events coming up for Dream to use as an excuse to spend way to much money on the brunet.

But Sapnap has learned to understand his bestfriends ways through the many years of friendship, and eventually gave in to helping Dream pick out something perfect.

"Just buy him like colorblind glasses or smth, idk" Sapnaps text read, and Dream mentally face palmed.

"I already have idiot smh" he quickly typed back, rolling his eyes but also laughing softly at the suggestion.

"Oh, yea" the blond laughed even harder at that, but continued to watch the text bubble and three dots, bouncing around, indicating the other was typing. "Why don't you just give him something sentimental? like do you have anything that's important to the both of you, or just you? you don't always have to spend all your money."

All of sudden Dreams mind jumped to a certain object, currently sitting in a box in the back of his closet. To be honest, it's a stupid gift idea, but the meaning behind his intentions has him rushing to the closet to grab it. He quickly sends back a text of "SAP your a genius, thanks seggsy 😍" and the other replys "ofc 🥰😘" and then a moment later, "wait what are you giving him" but by now his phone is thrown on the bed, and he's rummaging through boxes, too busy to respond.

When he finds the object he holds it up, inspecting it to make sure that this is actually a good gift and not something stupid to hand over to the brunet.

He decides he likes the idea, and quickly finds some random blue gift bag in the hallway closet, probably used, but so is the gift that's going to be handed to the brown-eyed boy.

George was currently in the airport in London, on his way back to the states. He was visiting his family and Dream wanted to use the free time to get something for him when he's back, but also just because he wanted to. He was trying for three days before he texted Sapnap, and now the dark-haired male had finally said something that gave him an idea.

He was ecstatic as he checked his phone, seeing George's text in his notifications.

"I'm about to board the plane :]" he smiled at that, typing "see you soon bubs, I miss you idiot :/" as he sent that he could practically see the others soft pink cheeks, small smile forming that the brunet always tried to bite back and keep down when Dream got him flustered. He was happy with his imagination, taking a moment to appreciate the mental image of the other.

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