Cardboard Cutouts (1)

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The art is by @ codiicronk on Instagram :]

This one is based on "Paper Towns" by John Green, its a pretty good book but I haven't read it since like, 6th grade, so it's obv not that close, but still.

Also, there's some swearing, mentions of an argument, and description of crying. it's really not that bad, but I just wanted to say that just in case.


Dream had always been slightly fascinated with his next door neighbor. While George wasn't exactly the most popular boy, he was known around school. He was definitely considered one of the smarter kids, barley putting in effort and passing with straight A's. He was well known mostly because of his behavior at home, plus he was always super sarcastic and funny which ended up with him getting lots of acquaintances.

George didn't really have close friends, but to an extent he preferred it that way.

And Dream wanted to know why.

The blond knew a lot about the brunet, but that's just what comes with being next door neighbors since they were 9 years old, although they had never hungout as children.

Both of their parents were friends though, which resulted in Dreams mother constantly talking about the brown-eyed boy who was just across the side walk. She had tried multiple times to get her son to interact with the other, figuring it could be a good friendship for the both of them, but Dream had declined enough times that she had eventually given up.

And too an extent, for Dreams sake atleast, it had been a positive thing for the dirty-blond to not have spent time with the others parents.

George's parents had always been strict in the way that if there son didn't fit their agenda in all ways, he would get grounded. This was mostly an issue because George had the opportunity to use the internet at such a young age, growing up with an overall open mind and welcoming soul. But his parents had always been the opposite, closed off, cold hearted, and sticking to their own bubble.

Both the internet and his parents had played a big role in who George was, he was closed off because of his parents, but his walls weren't as high and as hard to break down, so it was easier to get to know him. He acted cold hearted on the outside, giving himself a front to others he didn't trust, to come off as stronger than he actually is, but at heart he was a true softy. And while yes, he preferred his own bubble of people, he wasn't very scared to let others in.

George and Dream were both similar in many ways, the blond being a soft golden retriever at heart, and the brunet being much softer once you got to know him. Dream was always open minded, luckily his parents were as well, which lead to him not really keeping up walls unless needed. And the Floridain had always been an energetic boy, feeding off of his friends energy and keeping it going.

And all of these factors lead to today.


This Friday had been a long one.

Dream sat in class staring at the clock, watching it tik, tik, tik, until it finally hit 2:20, when he would get to head home.

He sat up from his desk, making his way through the halls trying to get to his car as fast as he could. Because Sapnaps class was closer to the student parking lot, he knew he would already be waiting for him by the time he got to the schools exit doors, like usual.

When he had spotted the raven-haired male waiting for him on the passengers side of the car, he started a light jog, reaching into his jacket pocket for his keys.

The blond pressed the button to unlock the car, Sapnap having heard the cars locks shift, and turning around, both boys opening up the car doors to hop in.

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