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The art is by @ liwri_art on Instagram :]

Also, yall are so nice aoisjewv, I have a few oneshots like pre-written (I write alot in my free time lmao) so I'm usually not too stressed when it comes to that part (like having things to post), but its more of just the fact that I can't write when I want, ya know? but yea, yall are so nice wth

We got prince Dream this time 😎


He flipped through the pages of an older book, the cover and spine well loved with wrinkles littering the pages. The book itself smelt of a library and a comforting musky sent, specifically the castles library it came out of.

Dream was currently rereading his favorite book, one he's read too many times to count. Reading always made him feel more normal, being the prince of a larger kingdom usually backed him into a corner, not wanting to seem as an arrogant teenager, wanting to prove his worth to the kingdom and his parents. So reading made him feel like the other people that lived in the village, just a boy enjoying the outdoors with a wonderful book in hand.

His parents always had high expectations, wanting him to be the perfect prince and soon be the perfect king. He felt so trapped throughout his teenage and childhood years, never getting to experience what the people in the town experienced. So reading was his escape, to a different world.

The only safe space he had to be himself was the library and the garden, not even his own room felt like home. He sat under the large oak tree, that was placed in the middle of the garden. Because it's fall, the leaves  were warm reds and browns, the leaves overall sparse, which allowed for the warm sun rays to heat up his blond locks much easier, since the tree wasn't as dense as usual.

The top of his head, and really his whole body felt warm and fuzzy, a comfortable cool breeze making it's way past him, making the fallen leaves dance about.

He flipped the page of the book, always paying attention to the sentences he has underlined. He loved to annotate his well loved books, looking over them in the future and still connecting with his past words.

The day had been rather calm, since he didn't have any important responsibilities on Sundays, since that's when his parents were out with their own meetings, the ones that didn't require him.

Usually throughout the week he would be doing his school work, attending meetings afterwards, and training for kingship. Although, none of that was truly on his mind, not even the book he's reading.

There had been a shorter brunet boy who had come around the other day, a newly hired gardener to take care of the castle grounds. When Dream had been reading on the first day of the other's job, they had a small conversation and realized they had some things in common.

But his parents saw them talking, pushing Dream away with whatever excuses they could make, claiming afterwards he shouldn't be speaking to "servants".

The blond never saw the castle workers as "servants" nor the towns peoples as "peasants". His parents always had, but he knew without them, he wouldn't be here, he wouldn't be a prince of this land without their existence. No matter how much he hated being trapped in the castle walls, he understood his place as just another human being among his people, while his parents had their own agenda.

They always looked down on anyone that wasn't immediate family, only putting on a show to other kingdoms they wanted to work with. The town hated the current king and queen, were tired of being treated like nothing compared to them.

And Dream understood, he has so many big plans for the future, for him and his people. Once he does become king, he wants to make this place better, more bright and lively.

~Dreamnotfound Oneshots~Where stories live. Discover now