Pottery and Plants (2)

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Part 2, swag 😎


After Dream had gotten George's phone number, he was ecstatic. He left the small plant shop, heading down the street and back to the studio.

He already knew Sapnap would be busy, so he'd just texted the boy that he has some fun news, and walked back up to his little art studio.

Putting a bunch of his pottery into a crate, he headed back down the stairs and to the front lobby area.

Since he'd been renting out his studio for so long, the main office worker did mind when he'd go down to the front office and hand whatever items he needed to, to his customers, since it was easier than paying for shipping, or them coming up stairs to his work space.


George smiled brightly the rest of his shift.

He had never really been the best at flirting or anything, so that had gone way better than he expected.

Shaking his hands to wring out his wrists, he began to write down numbers and take care of other expenses for the plant business.

Surprisingly, his phone vibrated with a message from Karl. He looked over at the glowing screen, seeing the others text.

"POGGERS MAN! ALSO SAPNAP AND I ARE HEADING OVER TO THE HOUSE TO DROP OFF THE POTS :)!!!!" (he always has caps lock on when he's typing on minecraft and stuff, so uhh yea) he always loved how ecstatic his roommate was, in person or in text. The caramel haired boy had always been extroverted and touchy, but in all, it was endearing.

The rest of his day went by pretty fast, it turns out Niki was able to take over his normal afternoon shift so he could head out early.

Usually Karl would pick him up and drop him off, but the other was obviously busy. So, he walked to the bus stop that was only across the street, after checking the bus schedule and seeing that it was supposed to be arriving at any minute.

On his way home on the bus, he plugged his ear buds in, the song "Peach" by Kevin Abstract played, the song sounded so aesthetic and he smiled at the familiar tune that flowed into his ears.

Once the bus stopped at a bench a few blocks down from his apartment complex, he got off the bus and started the small walk down to the entrance, entering the complex and quickly finding his apartment number, sliding the key into the lock.

"Oh my god Sap, you're gonna drop that!" Karl's giggles filled the room, as well as another boys laugh.

"I promise I won't!" the dark-haired male exclaimed, smiling brightly and placing the last pot into a cardboard box, taping it up. "See!"

"Hey guys" George gave a short wave, walking in and putting his keys on the hook.

"Georgie! meet Sapnap. Sap, this is my roommate George!" the tallest of the three introduced.

"George?" Sapnap questioned, looking over at him. "Do you work at the plant shop on the corner?"

"Uh yeah, why?" the brunet asked, eye brows furrowed. Why would that matter?

"Oooo are you the boy Dream texted me about?!" the dark-eyed boy looked excited, like he was about to jump up and down.

"Yeah, he came in and I helped him pick out a plant pot, and I uh, gave him my number" he explained.

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