The Sun and It's Follower

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heyo! it's been a little bit lol, but I've been writing a lot recently and posting oneshots to ao3 since they are pretty different compared to what I write on here lol. It's all still dreamteam+kq, but it's all gender bent and not always exactly fluff lmao-

I have my ao3 account name in my bio, but I was also wondering if you guys would want me to post them here too?


The old wooden bridge is probably unsafe, but comfortably nostalgic non the less. The water rises as it did when he was a kid, after a long day of rain, and it slowly lowers as the Florida sun from above beats down on it. The water evaporates, it rains, the river rises and then it's lifted as gas once again. The process is almost laughably easy if it wasn't so comforting, so inherently unchangeable.

But, not everything is so easy.

George was supposed to meet him here, like he used to do almost everyday after school. The brunet he had known since middle school, who he was attached at the hip with since he met him, was supposed to meet him at this bridge almost every day after school for the past month.

But Dream hasn't seen him.

He hasn't seem him in their shared classes, hasn't seen him at the gas station they go to every Thursday, hasn't even seen a new text notification from his boyfriend either.

Dream has been texting him everyday, waiting. The first few messages were just confused, wondering where he had been the past week. Then they started to get a little angry, since he was being ignored for two and a half weeks. Then they just got sad.

Sapnap had started meeting him at the bridge instead, waiting with him in case George comes out of no where, even though only Dream thinks that's a possibility. But today, the raven-haired boy had basketball practice, so now Dream was seated on the old bridge, watching as water sways in its river bed.

There had been times where George would just ghost everyone, take a break from the internet for about a week. But he still went to school, and he definitely didn't do it for a month.

The water flows below and the clouds grow darker above, and it almost feels like there taunting him. Even though he feels like the sky shouldn't be bright when he doesn't have his sun next to him, glowing golden with dark coffee eyes, the rain is probably worse when he's sitting in it alone.

George was never one to talk about emotions, usually sticking to being sarcastic and witty. But he wishes the other would just send a text, a reply that explains what happened and why he suddenly left. They hadn't gotten into an argument the day before the brit disappeared, so it doesn't make sense why he's not even getting a simple message back.

Dream remembers to scratch out the words "left" and "disappeared". George isn't gone, he's just been off doing something else for an entire month.

That makes him feel worse somehow as the beginning drops of water hit his already cold skin, making rings in the river that grow and get disrupted with every new drop of rain. He feels like a body of water, easily fitting to any shape but still the same material, but he feels like a part of him is missing. The organisms that float and swim and thrive within its ecosystem are absent from him. The living things that remind him of the best parts of life seem to have vanished.

Dream remembers to scratch out the word "vanished".


It's a Friday, which also happens to be a teacher work day, so he's laying in bed staring at the ceiling as a cold sweat sticks to his skin.

He had woken with a start because of a nightmare, a movie behind his eyes depicting a certain someone never coming back to him.

But it's over, it was just a nightmare.

~Dreamnotfound Oneshots~Where stories live. Discover now