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kinda cliche, but everyone loves a classic

also, I plan on posting my story a little later today 0-0 it's called "Talk Like That" btw :]

tw// alcohol


George stepped into his friends house, seeing the living room and kitchen packed full of bodies.

Quackity and Karl had decided to throw their first college party, and Sapnap being himself encouraged it and helped them set everything up.

Alcohol made the counter sticky as he poured himself a drink, something small to have for now. He planned on only drinking water after this anyway, so he wasn't going to drink much in the first place.

He took a sip, the bitter taste burned his throat and he winced. George didn't drink often, but he figured he might as well have something since his friends would want him to join in on the fun.

Looking over at the living room, he saw a few people leaving and a group of people forming a circle. He came sort of late, since he didn't want to be there in the first place, so it wasn't surprising that people were already leaving.

"Hey man!" Quackity clapped him on the back. "I'm really glad you actually came" his words were slurred together, showing he was drunk. Karl was behind him, giggling and stumbling over, Sapnap practically holding him up.

"Some people in the living room wanted to play truth or dare, do you wanna join?" Sapnap asked, the beanie-clad boy coming over and clinging to his side, the one that wasn't holding up their other boyfriend.

"Umm, sure, only because I know you will beg me if I say no" George gave in, the three others cheering. They walked to the living room together and sat down in the free spaces, the other three sitting on the couch, and George sitting on floor infront of them, leaning on the coffee table.

He looked around the circle, spotting a few faces that he recognized. Wilbur and Niki, who were both in his English class, sat nearby. At the beginning of the year a lot of people had thought they were dating, but when Niki started talking to Minx and Wilbur started talking to a red haired girl named Sally, the rumors were quickly dismissed. Techno was sat near the tall brunet, and next to him was a guy named Callahan. He never spoke and was really chill, and he wasn't really apart of the game, but just hanging out.

Next to Callahan, was Dream. The blond wasn't super popular, but he knew enough people that he frequented parties often, and always knew someone there to hangout with. Dream was in George's computer science class, and the brunet had grown a small crush on the blond over time.

He and Dream sat pretty close in their shared class, the tables being situated into rows, and the tallers seat was was one down from George's, but no one sat inbetween the two. The tables held three people each. He had mentioned to Sapnap off handedly that he found the blond attractive, which turned into the three boyfriends continuously making fun of him.

A few people he didn't know sat in the circle as well, but he also recognized Eret, Bad, and Skeppy on the other side.

Sapnap started it off, asking truth or dare to Wilbur.

"Dare" the brunet stated confidentially. Sapnap dared him to mix a bunch of drinks together and then chug all of it.

The tall boy shrugged and stood up, putting a few different drinks into a cup and coming back to the couch. He chugged all of it and everyone cheered and laughed when the boy looked like he might throw up.

"That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but it was still horrible" he commented, earning a few laughs.

He then dared Techno to flirt with a blue haired girl across the room, which led to him very awkwardly saying a pick up line, but ended up getting the girls number in the end.

Techno then asked one of the people George didn't recognize, the person saying truth. He asked the person their honest opinion on their math teacher -since they shared the class- and they replied "Honestly, he's way hotter than I was expecting and I hate it" which resulted in either weird looks or agreeing statements.

A few more rounds were played before George was picked, of course Quackity was the one to ask him.

Most people had chosen dare, and over the course of the game the truths became worse and worse. For his own sanity he chose dare.

"I dare you too... do seven minutes in heaven with Dream" Quackity was smirking and laughing as he spoke, and both George's and Dream's eyes widened with the dare.

The brit begrudgingly stood with a little groan, Dream following after him as they walked to a closet.

Once the door was closed, the only light entering coming from the crack under the floor, both boys sat in silence for a moment.

"So, I'm assuming you know Quackity pretty well, huh?" the blond joked, getting a small giggle in return.

"Yep, him, Karl and Sapnap are my bestfriends. I'm not surprised he'd do this" George responded, looking up and barely making out the features of the tallers face.

"Well, out of everyone there, I'm not upset about being in a closet with you" Dream flirted softly, receiving a punch in the shoulder, even if the brunet could hardly see him.

"Shut up..." he trailed off, his tone was affectionate though.

A couple long seconds passed, and then they started to talk about their shared class. They sat criss cross on the floor, knees touching.

"Yeah, the teacher kinda sucks, but atleast the assignments and due dates are chill" Dream said, one of his hands was tracing the threads of George's jeans, touching the fabric resting on the boys knee.

"Uh huh, she can be a pain, especially when she talks about her daughter as if she's a goddess" they both laughed at the shorters comment.

"Well, it's nice that I get to sit near you, the little whispered comments you make aren't as quiet as you think they are... plus you're cute, so there's a lot of pros" Dream teased, looking up and staring into the brown eyes in front of him.

Their eyes had started to adjust to the dark, being able to see eachother much better. George blushed but continued to hold eye contact with the other.

"You're really pretty too" the brunet said, his confidence going up momentarily. It quickly descended when he was met with silence, but when Dream's other hand reached up and cupped his jaw, he calmed down much more.

"Can I kiss you?" the blond asked, his thumb running along the shorters cheek bone.

"Please do" George said, and they met in the middle for a soft kiss.

Barely a second later the door opened, the hallway light flooding the closet.

"Yo, loosers- oh, ok, pog" Karl said with a giggle, closing the door again.

Both embarrassed boys exchanged numbers, and ended up going on a date the following weekend, growing much closer. And yes, Karl loved to bring up that he caught them kissing at that party alllllll the time.


I'm going to the beach on the 17th, so ima be at the beach in the middle of June 😎 what am I doing---

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