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My body soars through the air, seemingly forever, before slamming up against a tree. Feeling my back break on impact.

"OOooohhhhh," is all I hear from the peanut gallery. 

Falling to the ground, I look up at my assailant, groaning as her glowing gold eyes stare back at me unblinking. I lay still as my back mends itself a little. I don't I can do this. I'm not built for this. Moaning as I rollover to stand up. Wincing as I wipe dirt, grass and leaves off of me. 

I miss Kay. This was so much easier with Kay.

Adit is just too fucking fast. Her eyes never leave me as she steps back. She flicks her wrist, sending my sword back at me from where it landed. Catching the hilt I set my feet, preparing myself for Adit's next attack. And even steadily watching her I am unprepared for it. 

Feeling the sting of her blade as it slashes across my chest, slicing through my shirt. I turn to deflect last second, sending the tip down, digging into my stomach. I flinch and step away, only to feel my body riddled in pain as Adit's sword plunges deep into my gut. My legs give out, forcing my weight sliding down to the hilt. My jaw rests against Adit's shoulder. My knees bending, causing the blade to begin to slice through me. 

A lone scream sounds through the air. Shaking the foundation around us. The wind blows harder, pushing the leaves away from the trees causing them to cascade all around us. My eyes roll up meeting the glowing golden ones above me. 

"Do not fear it puppy," she says. "You have to know and understand death."

Ripping her sword out of my body, I drop to the ground. My knees slamming onto the hard ground, I know my eyes are wide as I feel my blood pouring out of me. 

"ADIT WHAT THE FUCK????!!!!!!" Kaira screams running to me.

"She needs not to fear it," Adit says sounding extremely bored. She turns and walks casually away, wiping her sword off as she struts.  

"Damn Adit," Kay speaks, "are you trying to kill her?"

"SHE WON'T DIE," Adit snaps. I hear her breathing in deeply. "She will heal but she needs to stop being afraid." 

Kaira is hovering over me, checking my body and trying to slow the blood seeping from me. I hear a distant rhythmic thumping coming towards us. No, not my baby's heartbeat, but louder, much louder. Kaira is moved to the side. 

The remains of my shirt is lifted, raising my body up along with it. My jaw erupts in discerning pain as Adit's closed fist slams against it. Movement from the peanut gallery snaps me back to the present. I crack my eyes open to see her rearing back to deliver another blow. Only this time to my nose. Bones shatter as blood gushes out spraying the ground around me. 

Kaira screams again as the ground shakes. Her voice changing to a roar. A blinding light then a loud thud later there is silence. Only the sound of wheezing and shaking breaths being drawn can be heard. 

"Finally," Adit says coughing. I hear her shuffling around. "I was beginning to wonder." 

Turning my head in my love's direction I see her sitting on the ground near me looking at her hands. I struggle to turn back towards Adit. She is getting to her feet. Her skin singed on her torso. 

What happened?

"Your wife protected you," she states. "Now lets see if you can fight through and protect her back." Snapping her fingers, her hand combusts into flames. "Will you protect her and your child puppy?"

Her eyes move to Kaira as she begins taking steps towards her. I look around and everyone else seems to be frozen in place. She approaches Kaira and squats in front of her. Her free hand runs through Kaira's hair, slightly gripping the roots. The building rage consumes within me taking the last of my strength. My hand raises as heat sears through it. Directing all my energy towards Adit, who spins and raises her sword effectively blocking the surge.

"Very good puppy," I hear her say before I succumb to the pain.


"Why must you constantly push her?" I hear Kaira ask. Her voice sounds strained like she has been crying. 

I feel her hand running through my dreads. I try to open my eyes but they are weighed down. Sealed shut. Gentle movement on my left cause my ears to twitch. I can't expand my lungs to take a deep breath. Breathing itself hurts. 

"I push and test the both of you," Adit replies. "And you know why." I feel her presence coming closer. The slight dip in the bed as she leans on it. "If I fail she is your only hope. And you are hers."

"I get that Adit," Kaira whispers. "But did you have to stab her?" She fingertips running from my hip to the middle of my chest. "It's going to take her a couple of days to heal."

Adit sighs. Her fingers move across my forehead. "I know but yes I did. She needs to not fear death. Not to run from pain. Its temporary. Accept it and keep moving, cause the moment you stop is when you actually die." She moves back. I can feel her eyes on me. "You know you almost burnt my nipple off though."

There is a soft knock on the door. The shuffling of feet from the multiple bodies entering the room. You can feel the mood in the room shift. I can envision all eyes on me. 

"Damn Adit," I think that Styles. "You did a number on her."

"Needed to be done," Adit snarls. Even in this comatose state, nonresponsive state or whatever state that I am in, I can tell when the current in the room changes. "I do what is necessary of me. What the fuck you all expect of me. I do that. I did that."

The four walls of the room creak from the pressure beginning to press against them. You can practically hear the door swell. 

"ADIT!!!" That's Kay. "No one is saying otherwise." She breathes out. 

Rattling of the shatters. The rafters trembling.  "Time is running out Kay," Adit says. "With everyone coming this week, I need them to be able to protect one another. I need her to be able to protect our people." The sound of weight being dropped into a chair, causing it to scrap the floor. "I'm not always going to be around. You all know this. Imani is your only hope against a lot of things."

The silence in the room is deafening.

"You still think everything will come to pass?" Michael  asks.


Kaira leans her head against mine and kisses my forehead. Her soft breath fanning my cheek. I just want to open my eyes and see her. I just want to understand the conversation going on around me. Its all riddles to me. Obviously a riddle that Kaira understands. 

"And I will have to push her harder, especially over the next few days," Adit continues. "Kaira anything on the venom you took from me?"

She sighs against my cheek. "No, from what I can tell even if you don't drink from the last guy, it will still kick in. I don't know what it is meant to do to you though. I can only assume that it isn't meant to kill you."

"What do you think its meant for Kaira?" Kay asks.

Again silence.

"To bring out her darkness." Kaira answers. "If Adit turns away from life and love, Nerezza wins. She won't need anyone to fight on her side. She'll have her ultimate weapon with Adit."

"Oh goody goody gumdrops." Adit responds with no sarcasm. 

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