Building More

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"I'm pregnant"

Now i know you must be wondering for this two words came into effect after such a questionable first meeting. OK call it what it was. It was disastrous. But living for so many years i have acquired one thing patience.

As i held my breath each day hoping to one day run into her again. Just the thought of doing so had me sweating. But as fate would have it i wouldn't get my wish until the following semester. Sure I've seen her walking through the halls surrounded by the mass and most importantly Sadie Maxwell. That didn't stop me from wishing and silently pining nor did it stop me from sulking with each encounter.

Walking into class tired of this day already wanting nothing more than to go home. Not really feeling the need to be stuck in this particular building for the day. Luckily this is my only class today. I look up and hear the angels sing. My love is here and again as if she can sense my presence she inclines her head towards me.

Now i wish i could say i walked up to her row brazenly sat next to her and wooed her into the next century. Nope not even close. I walked up to the back of the

class and found a seat in which i could conspicuously watch her. And this being my fourth time taking this core class gives me the chance to do just that.

She is like a delicate flower. Almost like sunshine in a bottle. The way she moves running her hands over a braille keyboard taking notes. I have never encountered anyone like her. I can smell her scent and my mouth starts to water. It is of nature and sweetness almost brings to mind coconut milk. But i swear she can feel me watching her. She turns in her chair and makes direct eye contact even though i know it is not true. The professor snaps me to attention asking me some mundane question which i answer by second nature. As class ends i find myself walking past her.

"i see that bump to the head hadn't shaken anything." she says with a smirk.

"excuse me?"

"I remember your voice among other things."

Could it be that i somehow embedded myself into her psyche all this time.

"oh" like an idiot i reply.

She tilts her head and looks in my direction as if contemplating some great mystery that is me. If only you knew my mind thinks.

"you're sort of the big man on campus aren't you?"

"How do you mean? Have we talked before and i came across arrogant?"

"No but maybe one day we will and you will."

I stare at her wondering if it is in fact my own egoistical self that she is flirting with me.

"well then if that's how you feel. Why don't we make that day today? Say over a snack at the union?" please say yes please say yes oh pretty please say yes.

"no" well hell worth a try.

"i have a council meeting to attend"

 and i have all day to wait

"maybe another time"

Not wanting to come across as desperate i simply nod before remembering that she cant see me.

"OK until that day comes." i say as i start to walk away willing my feet to work properly.

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