Who Knew???

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Aint this bout a....just dayum

Oh fuck

She is never going to let me live this down. Her ass put me to sleep. I reach over looking for her warmth and its missing. The sheets are cool as if she has been out of bed for a while. Sitting up I stretch and glance around the room. There is no sign of Kaira. I swing my legs off the bed. I wince a little as the sheets rub against my sensitive tip.


"What?" I ask aloud, gingerly moving my hands down my body. Starting as my fingers graze my extended flesh. "I haven't changed back."

I try not to freak out because I know for a fact, personally Kaira and I have been going at it nonstop since we reunited. Mind you Kaira looks like a sexy nerd, librarian, bookworm, something. But my baby a freak. Even with my aggressive nature, Kaira has been instigating our physical side more often than I do. And these past days, I've woken up to her taking it. She wanted it; she took it, she got it. So, no wonder my body is confused right now.

I have been so into and in tuned to my wife that the only fleeting thought I've conceived is that tomorrow training with Kay came and went. I wasn't going to question it or go looking for answers. Kaira and I needed this time to heal and get back as one. All this extra drama and shit, it isn't us. Yes, we have had a few moments, but in a lifetime or more, I think it equates.

Standing up, I walk to the dresser for a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. The need to find Kaira overrides my need to pee. These past days have been amazingly, wonderful. Spending time and letting things settle between Kaira and I. Its been feeling like our days in Italy. I head to the door and open it. Before I can even call out to her, I hear her talking. I swear if it's Adit I am going to try my best to kick her ass.

Walking down the stairs, I am brought to a halt. To say I was surprised to see Kaira is sitting, talking to Aja. Both look my way when I enter the room. I walk over and give Kaira a kiss and Aja a hug.

"What are you ladies up to?" I ask.

"Nothing much, love." Kaira answers. "Why are you up so early?"

"Weirdest dreams." I cast a look at Aja trying to decide if I want to elaborate. "Forgive me Aja, how are you?" I don't know if I'm just paranoid but I feel like her eyes lingered on my crotch too long. I know it is because anxiety. I keep wanting to reach down and adjust myself.

She leans forward, placing her chin on her fist resting her arm on her knee, tilting her head. "I'm fine Imani, how are you?" She knows.

"Ahm,,,I'm good." I look everywhere but at her. From the corner of my eye I see Kaira giving me a strange look. "I'm just going out for a run before i have to meet up with Kay."

Running back upstairs I do my morning routine, before jogging back down. I go to Kaira and give her a quick kiss telling her I'll be back later. Making my way outside, I look in all directions before shrugging and let my body decide which way to start off. As I'm jogging I let my mind wander over the last few weeks. Kaira and I are doing great. Our relationship is pretty much back to being solidified.

our baby is excellent. I just wish that Kaira's pregnancy was like humans, nine months later, new edition is here. But nah, nope, alas it is not like that for us. I could be waiting i don't know, centuries are something. And now with my body not changing, I'm freaking. Thought of hurting Kaira and my child, our child breaks me. I wonder if this means I'm getting more aggressive. Though in my defense Kaira has been the one taking what she wants.

She scared the soul out of poor Kay, the other day, when she came demanding a go for the unexpected practice, as Kaira rode my dick like Apollo's Chariot, to the heavens above Olympus.

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