Water Sports

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Our pool is secluded behind a ten-foot high wooden fence, so I strip down and get ready to get in. I look over at Kaira and she is in the same state of undress. I dive into the pool do a couple of laps and swim over to where she is standing on the edge. I raise my arms placing my hands on her hips and lift her in. I hold her up slowly lowering her down my body into the pool letting her adjust to the temperature. The feeling of her legs, thighs, stomach than breast sliding down my body is doing things to me.

 After she is fully submerged in front of me I wrap my arms around her and kick off to end up floating on my back with her straddling me. Her legs dangling at my sides and her pussy on my stomach I float across the pool with the water pushing my body up against hers. I know the difference between her wetness and the water. I reach behind me and grab the ledge holding myself in place and allowing the water to propel my body gently up into hers. She laughs at me.

"Silly woman," she says before sliding off me into the water. She swims to the edge. Her back is to me so she doesn't realize I'm underwater swimming next to her until I come up behind her. Positioning my hands behind her back so she doesn't get scratched by the wall I lean in and kiss her forehead, her eyes, her nose and finally her lips. She latches on to mine running her hands up to my shoulders. Wrapping her arms around my neck pulling me closer to her. She pushes me away and dives towards me. 

Kaira is graceful in everyday life but her, in a pool is almost like watching a mermaid. Water parts only to crash back against her naked flesh. As she propels herself out of the water. Watching it cascade down her down I'm dying of thirst. She feels along the edge and tilts her head. She turns around tossing her hair aside before she looks at me. She slow strokes towards me like a shark teasing its prey.

Diving underwater I feel her hands on my thighs. Running her hands up my thighs to my pussy she kisses her way up my body. Her fingers start running through my curls. I reach for her and she pushes away from me. I place my arms and hands along the edge of the pool and let Kaira do whatever she is planning to do to me. She dives under and starts kissing and licking along my stomach. She fingernails trailing up my thighs before running through my curls down below. Standing in front of me now she licks along my sternum, using the water to her advantage she continues to lick up my neck. Taking my tendon in her mouth she nibbles and licks over it. 

Placing her feet on the wall behind me she starts running her fingers between my lower lips. I jump when she passes over my clit. She licks on my chest trailing her tongue down my breast to my nipple. Taking it into her mouth as she swirls her finger around my clit. I bare my teeth before clenching them. She pinches my clit and bites on my nipple. I shudder at the duel feelings. Circling her legs around me for grounding she begins to play with my nipple ring with one hand while pulling the other one with her mouth. Bringing her lips to my ear she licks the lobe then pulls back.

"What do you want Imani?"


"You have me. What else do you want?"

I feel the current starting to run through my veins. She kissed along my jawline to my other lobe which she sucked into her mouth. Pressing her lips against my ear. 

"What is it that you need?"

My skin starts to burn. The water around us starts to steam from my heat. She presses herself against my body. Sliding her folds against my abs. Teething against the side of my neck. She pulls hard on my ring. I feel the rush through my body. Sliding her torso up mine feeling her nipple drag up my chest. When her lips become even with mine she traces my lips with her tongue. Reaching down to twist my nipple hard. I hiss at the sensation. Spreading my lips allowing my tongue to peek out letting hers run over it. Opening my lips wider she strokes my tongue before I suck her tongue into my mouth. She is pulling on my nipple ring again when she herself is holding onto the wall. I grab her hands and letting her hands feel along my body to my shoulders. Pushing her arms out anchoring them along the wall. I continue to kiss her, gliding my hands up her sides dripping water onto her skin. I repeat that action up her lower spine. My tongue is still playing with hers. Dipping my hands into the water to cup her ass cheeks. Pushing the together than running my fingertips between her cleft. She starts grinding her pussy into mine. Looking into her eyes seeing the signs of what kind of night this will be I twirl my tongue around hers. Before cupping her face and raising her head so I can have better access to her neck. I kiss her pulse then drop to my knees. Sucking water into my mouth, I wrap my lips around her clit blowing out hard. I feel her body jerk. 

Hoisting myself out of the water to stand I turn us around before dropping back down to my knees. I pick her up to impale her on my tongue. She is holding on to the side of the pool riding my tongue. Feeling her ass cheeks tense and relax while her pussy grips my tongue. She leans forward to grind her clit against my nose. Extracting my tongue to flick her clit she tenses. Driving my tongue back deep into her she explodes. Her sweet taste filling my mouth. Her arms are shaking from the strain of holding herself up. She pussy is clenching sporadically around my tongue. 

Easing her back down my body into the pool I turn her around to press my body against her back. Wrapping my arms around her chest I feel her heart beating fast. Leaning back into the water I start to float with her back against my stomach and her ass against my crotch. I float through across the pool with my baby laying on me trying to calm down. She turns over and pushes me underwater. When I resurface I see her smiling.

"You ready to in?" I ask her.

"Yes." she replies

Going over to her, I lift her onto the edge of the pool before pulling myself out of the water. Picking up just cause I can I carry her through the house to our bathroom. After turning the shower on to the right temperature and making sure I have everything needed. I pull her towards into the shower. Letting the water cascade down into her hair I start massaging her scalp. Kaira has long flowing hair. People rarely believe that it is natural or even hers. But it is. It's soft like silk. She leans up on her tippy toes indicating to me that she wants a kiss. I oblige as I reach behind her for her shampoo. Kissing her deeper I start working the shampoo into her scalp and hair. She loves my hands in her hair. Slowly she moves to start toying with my nipple rings. I smile into our kiss. Breaking away I push her back under the water to rinse.

"I love you," I state to her.

"I love you too."

I grab her loofah soap it and start washing her body. Kaira isn't a pain freak like me but she does sport a few nice tattoos. As I lather her breast I think again of how nice they would be pierced. But I still love them as they are. Tweaking her nipples I continue downward over her abs. As I think to myself Kaira has never spent a day in a gym but maintains a gorgeous feminine six pack. Not like mine which is just hard muscle. She has a softness about her that I love. Continuing on from her pussy to ass. Down her legs, she grabs my shoulders as I clean her feet. Tickling them gently. Standing back up and pushing her back under the water I help rinse her off. Before grabbing the conditioner switching positions I clean myself then kill the water and help her out. Now Kaira is not an invalid by any means I just enjoy doing this for her. And hey what can I say she lets me. Grabbing fresh towels I wrap she and I in them. Then off to the bedroom

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