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Waking up spooned behind her last night comes back to me. The feel of her. Her scent. Her screaming my name in passion. The taste of her gift to me. Thank heavens its the weekend. I don't want to leave my spot right now.

I take a stock of my body. Something feels off slightly different. Getting up and making my way to the bathroom. I'm in for a shock. My muscle mass seemed to have doubled overnight. I'm cut in places I haven't been cut in for 65 plus years. Its like I'm transforming. Into what I don't know. I'm bigger, I turn away from the mirror and see the span of muscles playing across my back. I feel sore all over.

Leaving the bathroom I make my way downstairs. I'm famished and I know baby will be hungry also. While cooking breakfast for us I reminisce about last night. Wow we actually almost went all the way. Her body is so responsive to me. I can feel my blood heating up at just the thought of her taste. The feel of her skin. Putting the omelette on a plate and grabbing her some orange juice I make my way upstairs. I pause because something is off with me. Shrugging my now massive shoulders I enter the bedroom and set the food down. I lean over her and start kissing her face and shoulders wrapping my arm around her pulling her more into me. I'm aware to be gentle with her.

"baby did you pack on 20 pounds of muscle since last night?" I freeze at the question. I'm thankful she cant see my face because I'm pretty sure its the equivalent of a deer in the headlights.

"uh baby why am I hurting you?"

"no you feel good. Just really strong. I feel safe."

"i made you breakfast. You hungry?" I ask while scooting in behind her kissing her forehead.

"mmhmm yes"

"are you OK with what happened between us last night? I didn't push you did I?"

"no baby. I wanted everything that happened last night. What I'm concerned about is what happened afterwards."

"i don't know but I'm OK now."

"does that happen often?"

"nope first time"

"if it happens again I want you to get checked out"

Now that is a place I've avoided for nearly 50 years. The hospital. I don't want to be nobody's lab rat monkey whatever they use. Yes I have tattoos and piercing but if I'm going to be poked and prodded I prefer for it to be on my own terms.

"yes baby"

I get up to retrieve her food while she stretches and goes to the bathroom.

"oh my goodness baby I don't think I've ever woken up feeling this good."

"I'm glad to hear that." i say placing the tray on her lap after she sits down.

She is unusually quiet. I look at her her crystal blue orbs. She seems nervous.

"baby whats wrong?" i ask her.

"nothing this is new to me and I'm not really sure how to express how much last night meant to me. It was beautiful. I swear I could see and feel your love."

"i do love you I wasn't just saying that because the heat of the moment." i respond leaning over to caress her cheek.

"what do you have planned for today?" she asks.

"nothing really I'm free. I was hoping to be able to spend time with you."

"i'd like that. I'd like that a lot actually."

"eat your food. I'm going to hop in the shower." I kiss her before getting up.

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