Deja Vu

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Friday night comes all too soon for my liking. Dressed in all black with my dreads and hair cut freshly done. As I wait for Kaira, I try not to feel anxious as I want Kaira to really enjoy herself tonight. If cooling with mindless witless 20 somethings makes her happy I game. It is wild these people think they are doing something for my wife. Hanging with "older" crowd. Not respecting my relationship my marriage. But hey they are young and Kaira likes to stay on current times and lingo.

Looking up I smell Kaira before I see her. Her hips are moving so sensually in her skirt. Her body radiates sex as her ass bounces with every step that she takes. Her spaghetti strip shirt is hugging her breast. Her navel ring is visible.

She is soft where I am hard I think admiring the gentle play of muscle under her skin. She knows I am checking her out so she turns around to show her shoulders which proudly displays my name over the year we met in binary code. I so fucking love this woman.

Walking up to her, her natural scents violate my senses. She smells so fucking good. My body responds to her on its own violations. I can feel it under my skin. The electricity that seems to be a part of my genetic makeup.

Sliding her up behind her. I press my body against hers implementing my scent on her as I move my hands down thighs to her hips in that tavern between her legs through her lace panties I touch her. She moans and grinds on my fingertips.

Taking a deep breath I turn her to face me and kiss her.

"fuck baby do we have to go out?" I say with a playful look." you look beyond amazing." I say as I'm running my fingers over her tattoo. Silently letting her know gratitude for her baring it.

Grabbing the keys to my Bugatti Veyron.1.6 convertible, A sixty-fifth-anniversary gift. Kissing Kaira as I open her door for her.

Jumping in behind the wheel turning the key letting the engine come to life. I smell Kaira's arousal. Putting my hand between her legs quickly rubbing her pussy before I slam the car into first gear and take off.

Seeing as I need both hands to drive at first to continue to switch gears Kaira takes advantage. Sliding her hand across my leg dipping between my thighs to caress my pussy lips.

Speed turns Kaira on. I think for her it's a blind thing. Not being in control it's a rush for her as she hears cars speed by she has no choice but to trust me. She says she loves the power my hands exert.

Jumping onto the highway I put my hand back on her flesh. Moving it to the junction where her pussy and thigh meet. Sliding my finger from her perineum to her clit. She traps my hand between her thighs. Slowly masturbating against it.

Arriving at the club I extract my hand and step out. Her friends are standing at the entrance waiting for us. Tossing my keys to the valet and opening the door for Kaira myself I help her out locking my eyes with Sophie. You need big boy pants to step to me I think.

Leading Kiara to her friends I'm introduced to a some of her classmates. I can feel myself being surveyed, judged, lured at, admired and hated all at once. Kaira links her arm through mine as we make our way into the club while still holding a conversation with her mates. She is doing this more for me than herself.

The music is loud the bass is pounding. Bodies are pressed up against each other. Kaira pulls me in closer to her. Encircling her waist with my arm.

"anyone drinking?" she asks looking around, her glasses on tonight.

After getting drink orders I move to get up with Kaira holding on to me as I go towards the bar. Running her hands through my dreads she kisses me.

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