The Run

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I wake up to my phone ringing. Before I can actually reach out and grab it,  its tossed across the room.

Opening my eyes Kaira is standing over me. Her eyes seeming to glow in the dark.

"hurry up and we have to leave for now." she orders.

Blinking trying to decipher the hidden meaning I know is there.

"Omari we...its time to go. We can't stay here for awhile."

It registers to my shocked brain what she is saying but I can't understand why she is saying it or how she knows to say it.

"Come on baby we have to go."

Looking at her I get up and throw on the jeans and v neck. I feel that we have a serious conversation coming up but now is not the around in the dark room I run to my closet grabbing my phone to make my necessary calls while I grab bags and start loading them with what I feel I will need. I keep throwing quick glances in Kaira's direction.

Calling my moving company I tell them to be asap to start moving my items into various storage units.

I grab my car keys going I go from each vehicles trunk removing all important things, I jump in my  1935 Chevy Suburban Carryall  and pull around just as Kaira is making her way outside. I guide her into the SUV and run back grabbing the luggage and loading truck and backseat. As I'm pulling out the drive the moving company is pulling in. I lean out the window and hand over a heavy tip before peeling out.

Driving through the light night traffic I make my way to the airport where my plane is waiting. Again handing over a generous tip I guide Kaira through to the plane while the valets and skycap load the baggage. The captain makes his way to me and ask about our destination.

"Haiti" Kaira states.

He looks at me and I shrug repeating her request. Sitting down next to Kaira I try to think of a way to broach a conversation towards our current dealings.

"i know you have a lot of questions and I may have some answers but before we get into all that will you come hold me?" Kaira asked looking in my direction.

I move over to her side pulling her into my lap and cuddling her to me. I bow my head and kiss her forward. She raises her head and kisses me all out. I feel the fire that is her start to spread through my bloodstream. Her tongue caressing my lips her hand drawing designs over my flesh. I nip at her bottom lip. I cup cup her ass and draw her deep into my lap. She moves her legs over my thighs half encircling my waist.

I would give anything at this moment to be strapped up and inside her. She flexes her thighs and grinds harder into me. She weight is nothing but her movements are sensual. Feeling her pop her pussy as she leans into me. I draw her up higher on me unbuttoning and lowering her jeans. Placing her in front of me I stare into her pale blue eyes removing her jeans I pick her up and carry her into the private bedroom. Laying her down on the bed as I press my weight between her legs. Sliding my fingers underneath her panties I feel her moisture brush against my raises her legs spreading them wider allowing me to feel more of her.

Grinding her slit she spreads her pussy lips open against the back of my hand. Running my knuckles over her clit I kiss her neck and start to remove my hand caressing her between she lips to her clit with my knuckles. Leaning down to kiss her I raise my body to push down her panties. She is leaning down and forward trying to remove my jeans. The need to take her in the wake of our current ordeal is making my blind with want. Pushing my boxer briefs down I press my mound against hers. Feeling her slick lips press and slid against mine is agony. I kiss her with my whole being smashing my lips down against hers. Feeling my wetness mesh with hers. I push my tongue into her mouth as she sucks it deeper into her own, reaching down I spread her open along with myself. Placing my clit down and over her own.

"oh fuck," she cries out at the feeling of me on her.

Raising my leg further up allowing her to spread her legs wider I press myself more firmly on her, feeling her clit slid along the top of mine, I raise my hips to thrust into her. The tip of my clit touching and pressing against the tip of hers.

"oh fuck Omari" she yells this time.

Grabbing her ass I start lifting and grinding hard into her. Rolling my hips and sliding myself between her legs I feel her getting wetter, spraying and gushing her essence on me. Thrusting her breasts up and into my face forcing a nipple into my mouth as she tweaks and plays with the other one.

Spreading her legs wider still she pops her clit against mine. Sending shock wave after shock wave through my body. Reaching up and grabbing the headboard I begin to slam my clit down on hers as she rolls her hips up against me. She grabs my ass and begins thrashing her pussy against mine grinding her clit against me. I can feel her body twitching against me as my essence smears all over her pussy.

Slowing our movements she kisses me softly. I'm still twitching as she pulls my body down to lay completely flush against her own laying between her legs. Placing my ear against her racing heart she caresses up and down my back. Drifting off to sleep is inevitable after such pleasure.

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